[CQ-Contest] QZB (Suggestion)

Mike Fatchett W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Feb 22 10:31:52 PST 2011

Can I used the up or down arrows instead?

Actually I prefer the knob.....No comments please!

I know there is a way to calibrate my clocks atomically but I failed to 
pickup on the atomic calibration for my radio.  There is no way in the 
world that everyone but me is perfectly calibrated on each band etc...  
When I had my skimmer running the frequency calibration was difficult at 
best.  20m would be perfect but 15 might be off by little.

N2IC mentioned on the N1MM reflector that this issue is slowing everyone 
down, superior ops included.  Maybe those in the know should listen up 
.3 or some other secretly passed variation for others in the know.

Mike W0MU

On 2/22/2011 9:32 AM, Ward Silver wrote:
>> I instead predict that N1MM and other software will include a parameter
>> for a small random frequency shift around the point and click frequency.
> How about a manual workaround?
> 1. Take hand off mouse.  (Yes, off.)
> 2. Move hand to radio knob.  (The big round thing on the radio...so 20th
> century, I know.)
> 3. Rotate it a little bit in either direction.  (Return hand to mouse
> immediately.)
> 4. Press key to send call.  (Listening first optional.)
> Just trying to be helpful :-)
> 73, Ward N0AX
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