Jim Neiger n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 24 08:56:29 PST 2011

I watched with keen interest, from afar, last weekend's ARRL DX CW results.  And then I read Yuri's 8P3A posting on 3830.  Welcome to the club, Yuri. 

 When the claimed Top A/B single operator score posted defies any reasonable imagination of reality, like beating a 9-man multi-multi from Hawaii, then I guess we all can go back to playing chess - where it's pretty hard to cheat.  I also feel for my friend K6AM, who posted No. 2, from ZF2AM.  By the way, John was No. 1 in this contest from Cayman a year or two ago, and probably is the real No. 1 this time, too.

Does this unreal score break Jeff N5TJ's world record from VP5??  Jeff told me a couple years ago he wasn't going to compete in ARRL DX CW again until someone "broke" his record.  C'mon back, Jeff.

Jim Neiger   N6TJ

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