[CQ-Contest] The Oracle Spoke

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 14:04:29 PST 2011

On 02/28/2011 01:46 PM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Lawyers?
> I recall in the early '80s an April QST cover showing an obviously
> doctored photo of a guy laying on a brace that ran from the top of the
> tower to the driven element of his HF yagi so he could (presumably)
> adjust the Gamma match.  The ensuing letters to the editor were
> incredible reading.  I found it hard to believe that anyone could take
> the photo seriously as a condoned method of tower work.  Even though
> this was well before body harnesses and 100% tie-off was in vogue in
> amateur circles.

The irony here is that this is exactly the method used today by a leading 
amateur radio antenna installation and maintenance company. See


Steve, N2IC

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