[CQ-Contest] [WriteLog] [RTTY] Suggestions for RTTY RU

Mohamed Kharbouche cn8kd.mohamed at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 15:10:50 PST 2011

Thanks Dick for the suggestions.

I have also another one. When calling a station, don't send the other
station call, send only your own call  twice...that's all.
 Many stations send  the called station twice before their call !!!... this
is time consuming and not needed .

Hope to see everybody in te Roundup Test next weekend.

73's de Mohamed, CN8KD / 5C5W

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 10:29 PM, K3RWN <rwnewbould at comcast.net> wrote:

> One additional comment:
> If you use Writelog and see a TOO hold the shift key and click your mouse
> on
> the T it will convert it to 599.  Other software may have a similar
> function.  BTW this works on any characters that do not shift, like a
> serial
> number etc.
> Rich
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