[CQ-Contest] An ARRL Band Plan just in time for this weekend!

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Jan 7 14:06:49 PST 2011

And may I suggest again that NAQP CW ops try 7100 to 7125 kHz if the QRM 
in the lower part of the band becomes too much for them?  These 
frequencies are pretty much unused these days.  Both CW and RTTY are 
permitted there.  There may be some DX SSB signals there (rare) and 
there may still be a foreign broadcast station or two in there (shame on 
them).  On a day to day basis, it is mostly slow CW and in the summers 
some 80M traffic nets have alternate frequencies there.  The SKCC 
operating events have suggested around 7114 as an alternate frequency 
and that seems to have worked well for them.  (In fact SKCC has a WES 
event starting at 0000Z Sunday this weekend.  If you work one of them, 
they will give you everything you need for your NAQP log (name and SPC) 
and they will need from you RST, SPC, Name and SKCC# or "none.")

Have fun this weekend and a lot of QSOs on CW and/or RTTY.  73, John, K4BAI.

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