[CQ-Contest] 2010 SS SSB - Final Summary

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Sun Jan 9 20:43:38 PST 2011

I guess there never was a final summary for SS SSB
(thanks Scott, K7ZO for noticing)


Multi-Op HP
Call              QSOs       Sections Time   Score       Club
W6YI              2131       80      24      340,960     San Diego 
Contest Club
WØNO              1957       80      24      313,120
NK7U              1815       80      23      290,400     Willamette 
Valley DX Club
W2PV(@K1TTT)      1791       80      24      286,400     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
KA1ARB            1774       80      24      283,840     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WY7SS             1762       80      24      281,920
W5RU(@KN5O)       1739       80      24      278,240     Louisiana 
Contest Club
KØDU              1736       80      21      277,280     Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
N8HR              1707       80      24      273,120     Mad River Radio 
N3OC              1608       80      24      256,640     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

WW4LL             1567       80      24      250,720     South East 
Contest Club
K5CM              1530       80      24      244,800     OKLAHOMA DX ASSN
K2NNY             1529       80      24      244,640     Rochester (NY) 
DX Association
NØGF              1521       80      24      243,360
K3MIM(@W3LPL)     1485       79      24      234,630     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W4MYA             1428       80      23.5    228,480     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W3IDT(@W3LPL)     1425       79      24      225,150     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K4TS(@K4GMH)      1362       80      24      217,920     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K4BP              1356       80              216,960     Tennessee 
Contest Group
KØFVF(@KØTI)      1352       80      24      216,320     Minnesota 
Wireless Association

VE5PV(@VE5WI)     1345       80      24      215,200
K6ND              1298       80      24      207,840     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
KY5R              1280       80      23.5    204,800     Alabama Contest 
KM9P(@KØEJ)       1255       80      21      200,800     Tennessee 
Contest Group
NX5M              1250       80      16:30   200,000     Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
KG5VK             1187       80      24      189,760     Louisiana 
Contest Club
NW3R(NH7C)        1145       80              183,200     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6SU(@W6YX)       1127       80      24      180,320     Northern 
California Contest Club
VE6EX             1101       80      ~19     174,400
WX3B              961        75      12.5    144,150     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

WD4IXD            755        79      11      119,290     Florida Contest 
K3MJW             721        80      23      115,360     SKYVIEW RADIO 
KO7X              682        80              108,960     Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
NØMA              639        80      19      102,240
N3AFT             617        80      24      98,720      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N8IVN(@WX3B)      509        76      11      77,368      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4FR(@KA4OTB)     318        80              50,880      Tennessee 
Contest Group
KI6QDH            330        75      21:00   49,500      Southern 
California Contest Club
VE7NSR            257        67      12      34,438      North Shore ARC
K2OAK             203        74      22      30,044      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club

WD5R              190        62              23,560
KX7YT             159        63      10      20,034      Willamette 
Valley DX Club
KF3P(N3YIM)       106        47      2       9,964       Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
AI6YL             54         35      2:15    3,780       Northern 
California Contest Club

Multi-Op LP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
NX6T(@W6HCD)      743        80      23.5    118,720     Southern 
California Contest Club
K3PZN(WX3B)       437        74      8       64,676      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K3PRC             249        72      12      35,856      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KV3B(N8IVN)       258        65      8       33,540      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KX9X/1            34         21      5       1,428

School Club HP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
W6YX              1427       80      24      228,320     Northern 
California Contest Club
KØHC              1412       80      24      225,920     Hesston College ARC
NØUNL(WDØBGZ)     700        79      13      110,600

Single Op HP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
VY2ZM(K1ZM)       2272       80      24      363,520     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
K7RL              2148       80      24      343,680     Western 
Washington DX Club
N2IC              2134       80      24      341,440
NR5M              2128       80      24      340,480     Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
W7WA              2075       80              332,000     Western 
Washington DX Club
K5TR              2014       80      24      322,240     Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
KDØS(WDØT)        1965       80      24      314,400
NN3W              1870       80      24      299,200     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NØQO(@WØUR)       1868       79      24      295,144     Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
WC6H              1862       79      24      294,196     Northern 
California Contest Club

K4SSU(NA4BW)      1791       80      24      286,560     South East 
Contest Club
K5NA(WM5R)        1781       80      24      284,960     Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
K1LZ              1774       80      24      283,840     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
VY2TT(K6LA)       1788       79      24      282,504     Southern 
California Contest Club
W4SVO             1742       80      24      278,720
NC1I(K9PW)        1707       80      24      273,120
K4AB              1702       80      24      272,320     Alabama Contest 
N6BV(@N6RO)       1684       80      24      269,440     Northern 
California Contest Club
N8OO              1654       80      23.59   264,640
K9CT              1618       80      24      259,680     Society of 
Midwest Contesters

K8PO              1685       77      24      259,490     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
K5KG              1552       80      24      248,320     Florida Contest 
K9BGL             1538       80      24      246,080     Society of 
Midwest Contesters
KD4D(@N3HBX)      1535       80      24      245,600     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KL7RA(AL7IF)      1556       79      24      245,532
K4BAI             1524       79      24      240,792     Southern 
California Contest Club
N6GQ(@W6JZH)      1473       80      23      235,680     Northern 
California Contest Club
VE4EAR            1472       79      23:58   232,576
K6XX              1401       80      24      224,160     Northern 
California Contest Club
VE8EV             1309       80      24      209,440

N8II              1284       80      13.7    205,440     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KØTO              1231       80      17      196,960     Minnesota 
Wireless Association
KI7MT             1236       80              196,320
AA6PW             1223       80      24      195,680     Southern 
California Contest Club
KØRH              1204       80      21      192,640
WT9U              1197       80      21:53   191,520     Society of 
Midwest Contesters
N5RZ              1197       80      15      191,520     North Texas 
Contest Club
N9NC              1187       80      17.9    189,920     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
WØNA(W4GOV)       1134       80      15      188,244     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KØDQ(@W4RX)       1210       77      15      186,340     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

KA1IOR            1151       80      22.7    184,160     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
AE6Y              1145       80      18      183,040     Northern 
California Contest Club
K8AO              1107       78      21      172,692
NN7ZZ(N5LZ)       1044       80      15      167,040     Utah DX Association
K3ZJ              1020       80              163,200     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K5ENS             1017       80      24      162,720     Louisiana 
Contest Club
N6TV              1029       79      15      162,582     Northern 
California Contest Club
KM2O              978        80      19:20   156,480     Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
WWØAL             954        80      23      152,640     Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
KO7AA             1001       76      13      152,152     Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club

K7XC              905        80      18      144,800     Northern 
California Contest Club
VE9AA             873        80      19:28   139,680     Maritime 
Contest Club
W3SO(W3YOZ)       865        79              136,670     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N9RV              928        73      12      135,488     Northern 
Rockies DX Association
VO1TA             846        79      8       133,668     East Coast 
Canada Contest Club
NX9T              842        79      12      133,036     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W9RE              800        79      7.5     126,400     Society of 
Midwest Contesters
KØVXU             809        78      11.3    126,204     KANSAS CITY 
K4EU              700        80      12      112,000     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6YT(WØYK)        703        78      10      109,668     Northern 
California Contest Club

K1TO              639        80      5.5     102,240     Florida Contest 
W5WZ              649        75      7:37    97,350      Louisiana 
Contest Club
N3ME              602        80      15:45   96,320      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K1RM              589        80      7       94,240      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
AL1G              627        72      14:02   90,288
K1RX              564        80      6       90,240      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
AE1P              555        80      11      88,800
N4GU              554        78      8:31    86,424      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N2NC              533        80      7       85,280      Frankford Radio 
N3RC              528        78              82,368

W2RQ              510        80      5       81,600      Frankford Radio 
VA7ST             554        73      11      80,884      Orca DX and 
Contest Club
K8MR              571        69      4:40    78,798      Mad River Radio 
AD4L              500        77      10      77,000      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NU6S              513        74      12      75,924      Northern 
California Contest Club
WM2Z              474        78      15      73,944
W6SX              500        72              72,000      Northern 
California Contest Club
W1KQ              440        80      16:21   70,400      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
WØIW              507        67      6.75    67,938      Iowa Wireless 
Contest Club
W6TAI             419        78              65,364      Southern 
California Contest Club

K9RM              440        74      17      65,120      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
K7IA              432        74      11:05   63,936
WA6ZTY            455        69      22.75   62,790      Northern 
California Contest Club
N6WIN             420        71      6       59,640      Southern 
California Contest Club
K3IE              396        75      10      59,400      Alabama Contest 
NW3H              355        80      12      56,800      Frankford Radio 
K4HAL             353        80      11      56,480      Alabama Contest 
WT9Q              424        65      8       55,120      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
K6AAX             329        80      12:26   52,640      Northern 
California Contest Club
N4OGW             352        73      3       51,392      Alabama Contest 

K6LRN             330        77      ~12     50,820      Northern 
California Contest Club
WB6JJJ            324        77              49,896      Northern 
California Contest Club
N4CW              359        69      7       49,542      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
AD4EB             333        74      4       49,284      Tennessee 
Contest Group
WA7PRC            362        68      12:07   49,232      Western 
Washington DX Club
VO1KVT            309        76      6 hrs   46,968      East Coast 
Canada Contest Club
W6NL              364        64      3       46,592      Northern 
California Contest Club
N2EIK             456        51      10      46,512      Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
N6DW              310        75      20      46,500      Northern 
California Contest Club
N2MUN             316        73      17      46,136      Order of Boiled 
Owls of New York

WE9V              306        74      2.3     45,288      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
N3JT              300        70              42,000
K6XN              291        72      9       41,904      Northern 
California Contest Club
NW4V              251        80      8       40,160      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N6BM              272        72      24      39,168      Northern 
California Contest Club
KE2VB             274        70      9.5     38,360      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
NG7M              292        65      6       37,960      Utah Contest Club
KW7XX             278        68      8.25    37,808
K6CTA             259        69      5       35,742      Northern 
California Contest Club
N8SS              300        58      2.3     34,800      Mad River Radio 

WX4US             231        75              34,650
KØTQ              251        69              34,638
N4UA              227        72      5:25    32,688      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N1KWF             215        75      3       32,250      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
KD8GKR            178        58      4.1     20,648
KI7Y              150        62      5       18,600      Willamette 
Valley DX Club
N7WA              186        46              17,112      Western 
Washington DX Club
W9OO              105        80      10      16,800
W8ZA              137        60              16,440      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N2YO              176        44      3.5     15,488      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

K1DG              81         80      4       12,960      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
N4TL              108        53              11,448      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NN4FL(N4EEB)      121        39      1.5     9,438       Florida Contest 
VE3DZ             90         49              8,820       Contest Club 
W6FA              81         50      3       8,100       Northern 
California Contest Club
WD8RYC            64         63      7       8,064       Tennessee 
Contest Group
WA3AFS            81         48      4       7,776       Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
WVØT              93         41      6.9     7,626
N6BY              73         40      3:52    5,840       Northern 
California Contest Club
N6EWS             77         20      1:17    3,080       Northern 
California Contest Club

K7IDX             180        80              1           Western 
Washington DX Club

Single Op LP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
W4AAA(KK9A)       1520       80      24      243,200
AJ9C              1336       80              213,760     Society of 
Midwest Contesters
N4PN              1286       80      24      205,760     Alabama Contest 
K1BX              1281       80      24      204,960     Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
W4LT(@W4DUG)      1160       80      24      185,600     Florida Contest 
NA4K              1118       80      24      178,880     Tennessee 
Contest Group
K8BL              1038       80      21      166,080     North Coast 
W7ZR              1000       80      16      160,000     Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
K7VU              984        79      23      155,630
WD5K              829        80      19.5    132,640     North Texas 
Contest Club

W7YAQ             800        80      18      128,000     Willamette 
Valley DX Club
KØOU              759        80      23      121,440     KC Contest Club
K3MD              719        80      19      115,080     Frankford Radio 
VE3RCN            713        79      23.5    112,654     Contest Club 
N6ZFO             706        78      15      110,136     Northern 
California Contest Club
WA3OFC            694        79      15:33   109,652     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
VE3MGY            700        78      24      109,200     Contest Club 
KS2G              645        80      16:00   103,200     Order of Boiled 
Owls of New York
K4XU              650        79      14      102,700     Central OR DX Club
WN6K              689        74      24      101,972     Southern 
California Contest Club

KC4HW             614        79      13.5    97,012      Alabama Contest 
WA2JQK            555        80      19.1    88,800      Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
KT4Q              547        80      23.5    87,520      Florida Contest 
K2DSL             539        80              86,240      Bergen Amateur 
Radio Association
N9LYE             545        80      18      86,110      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
KB9OWD            562        75      8       84,300      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
WØETT             517        79      13:53   81,686      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
K1OU              517        79      11      81,686
W3PP(K1RY)        500        80      12:41   80,000      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WQ5L              500        80      13      80,000      Magnolia DX 

N5UWY             517        77      18      79,618      Oklahoma DX 
AA6YX             517        77              79,618      Northern 
California Contest Club
N2WN              500        79      10      79,000      Tennessee 
Contest Group
KIØF              485        80      14      77,600      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
K7BG              500        75      9       75,000      Northern 
Rockies DX Association
N6YEU             486        77      21      74,844      Northern 
California Contest Club
K9NW              485        77      8       74,690      Mad River Radio 
K7SS              475        78      9       74,100      Western 
Washington DX Club
VE3TW             463        79              73,154      Contest Club 
NF6P              488        73      16:50   71,248      Northern 
California Contest Club

W1WBB             427        78      14.5    66,612      CT RI Contest Group
N3ALN             414        80      12      66,240      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N1YX              414        80      16      66,240      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
N6NF              485        68      6       65,960      Northern 
California Contest Club
W4KAZ             445        73      12      64,970      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W2JU              406        80      8.5     64,960      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
NØBUI             438        74      13      64,824      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
K3TD              402        78      14      62,712      Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
WX9U              385        80              61,600      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
NTØF              386        78      14      60,216

VA7AM             382        76      13      58,064      Orca DX and 
Contest Club
W3CB              367        77      ~19     57,578      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N2MTG             371        77      16.9    57,134      Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
K4WES             361        78      14      56,316      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NV4B              334        80      15:10   53,440      Alabama Contest 
NS3T              345        77      9       53,130      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WD4AHZ            346        76      13      52,592      Florida Contest 
KT4ZB             344        76      9       52,200      South East 
Contest Club
AA6K              329        77      18      50,666      Northern 
California Contest Club
W4PM              315        80      9       50,400      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

N4VI              324        77              49,896
AA8IA             320        76      11.5    48,640      Mad River Radio 
W1ECH             303        79      5       47,874
NØPOH             300        75      15½     45,000      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
WA1DRQ            300        73              43,800      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
WF7T              278        76      9       42,256      Tennessee 
Contest Group
K3IU              264        80              42,240      CT RI Contest Group
WØRAA             332        61      6       40,504      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
WW3DE             275        73              40,150
KØRI              250        78      10      39,000

K2XA              254        72      4.8     36,576      Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
KØVBU             254        72      7       36,576      KC Contest Club
WB4ZPF            251        72      14.6    36,144      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
AE6YB             265        62              32,860      Northern 
California Contest Club
W3WW              214        73      5.5     31,244      Florida Contest 
KS4X              190        80              30,400      Tennessee 
Contest Group
K4OD              201        73      11.5    29,346      South East 
Contest Club
W4UT              172        79              27,176      Tennessee 
Contest Group
K3YDX             203        65      6.4 hr  26,390      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KØPC              203        63              25,578      Minnesota 
Wireless Association

K4FTO             200        63      9 HRS   25,200      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
VE2AXO            178        66              23,496      Contest Group 
du Quebec
NØIJ              193        60      5       23,160      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
VY2LI             164        68      6.5     22,304      Maritime 
Contest Club
K1TN              174        64      6       22,272
NØRU              162        68      6:30    22,032      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
W2NYU(AE5NO)      175        62      17      21,700      New York 
University Amateur Radio Club
KN5H              159        68      6       21,624      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
WA7YAZ            162        63              20,412
NP3CW             181        56      6       20,272

N5UM              168        59      4       19,824
K8GT              153        64      6.5     19,584      Mad River Radio 
AI9T              155        63      6       19,530      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
KE7VUX            143        66              18,876
NK3Y              116        77      10:23   17,632      Frankford Radio 
VE3HG             170        51      24      17,340      Contest Club 
W6KY              151        55      4       16,610      Southern 
California Contest Club
K1VU              142        58              16,472      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
N1SZ              200        41      3       16,400      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6UM              145        56      4:29    16,240      Willamette 
Valley DX Club

N3LZG             138        58              16,008      Rochester (NY) 
DX Association
N4HH              100        80      5.9     16,000      South East 
Contest Club
WU4B              141        54      7       15,228      South East 
Contest Club
W7QN              145        50      10.2    14,500      Western 
Washington DX Club
WU6W              136        53      5.5     14,416      Northern 
California Contest Club
KRØL              134        53              14,204
WA4LR             111        63      6       13,986      Alabama Contest 
W2KRD             117        57      20:13   13,338
KD3SB             121        55      14      13,310
AD7XZ             120        55              13,200      Willamette 
Valley DX Club

K3SV              121        54              13,068      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4MUH             114        57      6       12,996      Florida Contest 
KB4AZX            116        55      12      12,760      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KY7K              124        51              12,648      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
K4EET             123        51      8.75    12,546      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KN4QD             114        51      2.5     11,628      South East 
Contest Club
KM4JA             120        47      4:43    11,280      Alabama Contest 
K2XC              120        47              11,280      Rochester (NY) 
DX Association
W4AU              112        50      4       11,200      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
VE3AJ             94         55              10,340      Contest Club 

K6TUJ             100        49      13      9,800       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
K7LU              112        43      3       9,632       Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KG4CUY            102        45      4       9,180       Alabama Contest 
K6CSL             91         48      22      8,736       Northern 
California Contest Club
NJ8J              118        36      8       8,496       South East 
Contest Club
NF8M              91         45      2:50    8,190
KØTG              93         44      2       8,184       Minnesota 
Wireless Association
W7JDE             65         61              7,930       Willamette 
Valley DX Club
K4AMK             72         47      6       6,768       Alabama Contest 
KAØCSW            100        33              6,600       Minnesota 
Wireless ASSN

W4BK              61         40              4,880       Tennessee 
Contest Group
VA7IR             60         39      4.41    4,680
WV4V              65         34      8.5     4,420       Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6LE              56         39      11      4,368       Northern 
California Contest Club
VO1HP             50         32              3,200
VE1RSM            50         31      2       3,100       Maritime 
Contest Club
N7MAL             50         30      3       3,000       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
KA6MAL            47         29              2,726       Northern 
California Contest Club
KL2HD             50         27              2,700
VA3GKO            39         27              2,106       Contest Club 

AG6V              29         23      1.5     1,334       Northern 
California Contest Club
K4CX              25         25              1,250       Tennessee 
Contest Group
W8WTS             29         15      0.67    870         Mad River Radio 
KI4EEY            10         10              200         Alabama Contest 
W7CT              5          5               50          Utah Contest Club
KCØW/M            379        68              1

Single Op QRP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
NØKK(@NØAT)       697        80      24      111,520     Minnesota 
Wireless Association
W1XX              613        80      24      97,760      CT RI Contest Group
KH6LC(NH6V)       510        79      24      80,580
N4JF              455        80      23      72,800      Alabama Contest 
NN7SS(K6UFO)      473        75      21      70,950      Western 
Washington DX Club
NDØC              436        78      18      68,016      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
VA3DF             402        76              61,104      Contest Club 
NØKE              371        79      18      58,618      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
KT8K              326        72      19:20   46,944      Mad River Radio 
KF2U              271        80      19      43,360

K5ZD              241        76      5.6     36,632      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
KC5WA             201        70      18      28,140      Louisiana 
Contest Club
N9NE              135        62      4:15    16,740      Central 
Wisconsin Amateurs
K7HBN             133        59      8       15,694      Western 
Washington DX Club
KØVK              135        53              14,310
KR2Q              127        55      4       13,970
WAØMHJ            110        50      5:45    11,000      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
WB2VUO            86         41      4       7,052
N7LR              63         33      5       4,158       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
WA5RML            60         23      3       2,760

SO Unlimited HP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
WB1GQR(W1SJ)      1774       80      24      283,840     Radio Amateurs 
of Northern Vermont
K7ZSD             1757       80      23:30   281,120     Willamette 
Valley DX Club
KW8N              1727       80      23.9    276,320     Mad River Radio 
W8MJ              1695       80      23.9    271,200     Mad River Radio 
K3MM              1690       80      24      270,400     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4ZZ              1682       80      24      269,120     Tennessee 
Contest Group
NY3A              1627       80      23:54   260,320     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K1KD              1585       80      24      253,600     Minnesota 
Wireless Association
NØXR(@NØNI)       1584       80      24      253,280     Iowa DX and 
Contest Club
N2BJ              1568       80      24      250,880     Society of 
Midwest Contesters

W4NF              1478       80      24      236,480     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KH7Y(KB7Q)        1476       80      22      236,160
WA5ZUP            1452       79              229,416
N2MM              1325       80      19      212,000     Frankford Radio 
K6LL              1271       80      16      203,360     Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
AB4GG             1262       80      24      201,920     Tennessee 
Contest Group
W7RN(KZ2V)        1256       80      22      200,960     Northern 
California Contest Club
N6WM(@K6LRG)      1251       80      ~22     200,160     Northern 
California Contest Club
K3DNE             1164       80      21      186,240     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N1LN              1100       80      14      176,000     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

W2GDJ             1100       80      17      176,000     Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
KM6I(@AD6Z)       1064       80      24      170,240     Northern 
California Contest Club
KU1T              1052       80              168,320     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K4ZGB             1008       80      15:30   161,280     Alabama Contest 
N6DE(@K6IDX)      1005       80      21:22   160,800     Northern 
California Contest Club
W6RK(@K6IDX)      1005       80      18:14   160,800     Northern 
California Contest Club
N1WR              1010       79      22      159,580     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W1RH              1004       79      15      158,632     Northern 
California Contest Club
N3FX              990        80      23.75   158,400     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6RIM             950        80      20.3    152,000     Northern 
California Contest Club

WW9R              945        80      21      151,200     Society of 
Midwest Contesters
KØLUZ             935        80      16      149,600     Florida Contest 
N6HC              887        80      15.25   141,920     Southern 
California Contest Club
K4RG              885        80      18      141,600     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
AL9A              885        78      14:30   138,060
N6EE              840        80      18      134,400     Northern 
California Contest Club
N4FX              840        80      18      134,400     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W3KL              829        80      13      132,640     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N3MK              784        80      15      125,440     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W6TK              780        80      13      124,800     Southern 
California Contest Club

WN3R              773        80      16.75   123,680     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NI6T              765        80      19      122,400     Northern 
California Contest Club
VE3RZ             740        80              118,400     Contest Club 
NU6T(@W6SR)       749        79      12.18   118,342     Northern 
California Contest Club
K7HP              720        80      21      115,200     Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
K4XD              714        80      15      114,240     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WM3O              705        80      11      112,800     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W3UL              703        80      17      112,480     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K1GU              672        80      12.8    107,520     Tennessee 
Contest Group
VY1EI             701        76      20      106,552

K3MQ              652        80              104,320     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K7LY              660        79      16.34   104,280     Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
W3BW              632        80      14      101,120     Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K3WW              629        80      9.5     100,640     Frankford Radio 
W5ASP             615        80      12      98,400      Central Texas 
DX and Contest Club
N5WR              602        80      13.5    96,320
W4MR(AA4NC)       604        79      5.5     95,432      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6MM(@N3ZZ)       606        77      11      93,324      Northern 
California Contest Club
W3WC              575        80      21      92,000      Allegheny 
Valley Radio Association
W3TZ              571        80      13:30   91,360      Fort Smith Area 
Amateur Radio Club

K6ST              583        78              90,948      Northern 
California Contest Club
KØKX              561        80      8       89,760      Minnesota 
Wireless Association
K3TN              548        80      10      87,860      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
KA2D              535        80      18      85,600      Order of Boiled 
Owls of New York
N2SQW             535        80      21      85,600      Hudson Valley 
Contesters & DXers
N6RO              528        80      6:20    84,480      Northern 
California Contest Club
W2VQ              527        80      12      84,320      Frankford Radio 
W6OAT             530        79      11:00   83,740      Northern 
California Contest Club
W2CDO             565        74      10.5    83,624      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K4QPL             515        80      12      82,400      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

K6VVA             528        78      ~14     82,368      Northern 
California Contest Club
K2PLF             502        80      8.5     80,320      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6RM(@K9YC)       494        78      11      77,064      Northern 
California Contest Club
W3DQ              462        80              73,920      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WE6Z              488        75      23.5    73,200      Northern 
California Contest Club
AK6M(K6MM)        436        80      10      69,760      Northern 
California Contest Club
KM9M              434        79              68,572      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
W3FV              425        80      11      68,000      Frankford Radio 
W1BYH             424        79              66,992      CT RI Contest Group
K6JS              435        77      21:20   66,990      Northern 
California Contest Club

K3STX             440        76      7       66,880      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
AE6RF(@N6CK)      421        79      11      66,518      Northern 
California Contest Club
W6FB              421        78      23      65,676      Northern 
California Contest Club
K6JEB             412        79      23:19   65,096      Northern 
California Contest Club
W8OHT             412        78      15      64,272      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
NF4A(NF4A+PACKET) 400        80      7.4     64,000      Alabama Contest 
W6KC              400        80      8       64,000
K9MMS             380        80              60,800      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
W4JAM             370        80              59,200      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WA6O(@K6TD)       395        72      6.5     56,880      Northern 
California Contest Club

N3BM              350        80      12      56,000      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4JOW             346        80      11:16   55,360      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4NM              342        79      8:15    54,036      Alabama Contest 
W6RGG             379        71      9:07    53,676      Northern 
California Contest Club
W6ONV             348        76      15.3    52,895      Northern 
California Contest Club
K7VC              332        79      24      52,456      Northern 
California Contest Club
N4DW              336        78      10      52,416      Tennessee 
Contest Group
VA3DX             319        80              51,040      Contest Club 
N4NW              305        80      8       48,800      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K6CDJ(W6XK)       318        76      6:37    48,336      Northern 
California Contest Club

K6NV              362        65      11      47,060      Northern 
California Contest Club
VA2WDQ            323        71      6       45,866      Contest Group 
du Quebec
NS6T              325        68      22.5    44,200      Northern 
California Contest Club
W1MAW             264        80      8.5     42,240      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
KE7YF             227        76      13      42,104      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
N4DWK             262        80              41,920      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K3QX              304        68      24      41,344      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
VE9HF             252        80      5.75    40,320      Maritime 
Contest Club
N4GG              248        80      6       39,680      South East 
Contest Club
AJ3G              251        79      3.5     39,658      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

K4WW              270        73      5       39,420      DCDXA
W1UJ              301        61      5       36,722      Yankee Clipper 
Contest Club
N2QT              220        80      5.1     35,200      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
VA1CHP            216        80              34,560      Maritime 
Contest Club
W3YY              215        80      6       34,400      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K4WI              202        80      12      32,320      Alabama Contest 
VE9MY             190        80              30,400      Maritime 
Contest Club
VE1OP             206        73      3.5     30,076      Maritime 
Contest Club
K3WA              200        75      3       30,000      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
NN3RP             208        72      13:26   29,952      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

N2NS              218        67      4.6     29,212      Northern 
California Contest Club
K6YRU(@N6DQ)      221        66              29,172      Northern 
California Contest Club
N3CW              180        79      6       28,440      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K7DX(NU6T)        226        62      9       28,024      Northern 
California Contest Club
K8MM              217        59      3       25,606      Mad River Radio 
K6III             194        65              25,220      Northern 
California Contest Club
K7FA              152        68      4       20,672      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
KZ1X              274        73              20,002      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W6ATV             131        74      14      19,388      Northern 
California Contest Club
KG6C(@K6LRG)      169        57      2.5     19,266      Northern 
California Contest Club

KD3NB             147        62      5.7 hr  18,228
W6TQG             156        57              17,784      Northern 
California Contest Club
K7VIT             153        58      6.5     17,748      Willamette 
Valley DX Club
KR4F              107        80      6       17,120      Alabama Contest 
VE7TG             116        72      4       16,560      British 
Columbia DX Club
N3KKM             144        57      13      16,416
K1ZW              111        69      4       15,318      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K1SD              130        58      13      15,080
WU9B              80         80      6       12,800      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
W2GPS             107        49      4.5     10,486      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

K7RSM             66         61      6       8,052       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
KY7M              80         48      2       7,680       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
W4VIC             76         47      3.25    7,144       Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
WV6I(N6WM)        77         30      1.8     4,620       Northern 
California Contest Club
K3KO              50         44              4,400       Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K7EG              51         43      5       4,386       Western 
Washington DX Club
W7WHY             51         33      1.5     3,366       Willamette 
Valley DX Club
NE9U              56         28      1       3,136       Minnesota 
Wireless Association
NI7R              31         31      2       1,922       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
KK7YL             12         12      0.5     288         Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club

NA2U              5          5               50          Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club

SO Unlimited LP
Call              QSOs       SectionsOp Time Score       Club
N9TF              600        80      16.5    96,000      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
N1CC              550        80      16      88,000      North Texas 
Contest Club
K9OR              542        80              86,720      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
K3FIV             495        75      20      74,250      Northern 
California Contest Club
K8KHZ             450        80      16      72,000      Mad River Radio 
NØTA              434        78      16      67,704      Grand Mesa 
Contesters of Colorado
N6MEF             413        74      23      61,124      Northern 
California Contest Club
N4VA              378        76      13      57,456      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
W4EE              372        73      16      54,312      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K3AU(K2YWE)       335        80      6       53,600      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

KE4KMG            315        80      22      50,080      Tennessee 
Contest Group
WA7LNW            418        59      8       49,324      Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
K4FPF             285        80              45,600      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
N4KIT             260        80      16      41,600
N3UA              253        75      6       37,950      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club
K9GY              255        73      11      37,230      Society of 
Midwest Contesters
AF6EV             252        70      11      35,280      Northern 
California Contest Club
AA1AR             220        80              35,200
VE3CWU            205        80              32,800      Contest Club 
W6NF              213        72      10      30,672      Northern 
California Contest Club

AA6GZ             206        74              30,488      Northern 
California Contest Club
KB4KBS            189        78      17.5    29,484      South East 
Contest Club
N2FF              205        71      6       29,110      Order of Boiled 
Owls of New York
K7MKL             175        72      11.5    25,200      Northern 
California Contest Club
K6VAR             160        61      16      19,520      Northern 
California Contest Club
N6NUL             159        61      16      19,398      Northern 
California Contest Club
KC6MMU            163        54              17,604      Northern 
California Contest Club
KY4F              126        62      4.5     15,624      Alabama Contest 
K6GN(K6RM)        121        54      6       13,068      Northern 
California Contest Club
K8GU              127        48              12,192      Potomac Valley 
Radio Club

W6ZL              77         77      8       11,858
K6WC(AE6RF)       72         39      4.2     5,616       Northern 
California Contest Club
KE7DX             54         46      4       4,968       Arizona Outlaws 
Contest Club
N4RRL             36         29              2,088       UTAH DX ASSOCIATION
NC6RJ             30         19              1,140       Northern 
California Contest Club

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