[CQ-Contest] CQ China - Tianjin

gissel at fh-ludwigshafen.de gissel at fh-ludwigshafen.de
Mon Jan 10 01:58:38 PST 2011

Hi all,

it looks like I will be in Tianjin, BY3 for about 1 week. I will be 
arriving on Sunday, Feb, 20.
Are there any OPs from China on this list or does anyone know how I can 
get in contact with any operators?

Depending on my time of arrival I might be available for a late shift on 
Sunday in the ARRL CW as well, hi.

Vy 73 and thanks in advance for any info de Andy, DL3YM

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gissel

Professor for Logistics and Organizational Management
Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences

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