[CQ-Contest] ice storm at nq4i

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Mon Jan 10 02:42:17 PST 2011

Hi All...its almost 6am...I got up a few times last night to watch the
storm as it has moved into our area...it started as sleet, changed to
snow and then changed to freezing rain...we have about 2 inches
of this mess on the ground so far...with my big flashlight I can see
all the antennas and some accumulation but so far no damage....when
its gets light I can much closer look at antennas..I keep thinking
about what happened lately in Moscow to RD3A and his antennas...ice
storms can be very dangerous to ham antennas! Today's high temp is
supposed to be 32 degrees F....so far its slightly below that at 29
degrees F....another update in a few hours
de Rick NQ4I

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