[CQ-Contest] West of the Mississippi advantage?

RT Clay rt_clay at bellsouth.net
Wed Jan 12 10:36:45 PST 2011

And summer favors east/midwest for NA contests: sporadic-E gives some hope for us to work close in states on 20,15,10, and QRN makes it tough for the guys out west on the low bands since the distance for most of their qso's is longer.


--- On Wed, 1/12/11, Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at verizon.net> wrote:

> From: Richard F DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at verizon.net>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] West of the Mississippi advantage?
> To: "Bryon PAUL Veal n0ah" <bryonveal at msn.com>, cq-contest at contesting.com
> Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 12:00 PM
> I'm not saying I feel bad about
> it.  Its a simple fact.  Winter propagation 
> favors longer distances with long skip.  Long skip
> typically favors hams in 
> the west part of the country where the skip zones on 10,
> 15, and 20 favor 
> hops into population center.  This is the same logic
> that is applied with 
> Sweepstakes.  The difference in Sweepstakes being that
> multipliers and 
> stations are worked once per contest, whereas multipliers
> and stations are 
> worked once per band.
> Stations on the east coast (mid atlantic) have equally long
> propagation 
> during NAQP, but this  means we work stations in
> Arizona, Colorado, 
> California, and, well, California...
> 73 Rich NN3W

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