[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX "Leveling, Handicapping, Equalizing"

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sun Jul 3 12:30:17 PDT 2011

W8JI wrote:

 >Even a year ago W4ZV "predicted" the race to top spot
would be between two east coast stations.

         Not quite.  In January 2011 I predicted:

"The USA winner will be either:

1.  On salt water (K3ZM)
2.  From Maine (K8PO)
3.  Or both (K1DG)"


...and the high-claimed results are:

USA Single Op HP
K3ZM              1811    59    76    30  1,230,660 PVRC
W4AN(VE7ZO)       1758    59    73    30  1,074,216 SECC
K8PO              1690    59    65    30  1,016,676 YCCC
K1DG(@N1LI)       1503    58    69    28    915,035 YCCC
W4ZV              1563    59    69    30    864,640 PVRC
AA1K              1499    60    67    30    754,634 FRC
N3UA(@W4DR)       1166    57    65    23    680,516 PVRC
K1LT              1471    59    67    30    670,320 MRRC
K6ND(N8BO)        1213    60    63    30    613,032 YCCC
NO3M              1406    59    63    26    585,234 NCC

Unless K3ZM is disqualified (extremely unlikely), I was correct.
On 160, any US station on Atlantic salt water has an advantage
which is relatively independent of latitude or distance from Europe.

         I'm NOT lobbying for a rule change.  ;-)  The advantages of
a salt water location are just part of the 160 game I accept "as is".

                                  73,  Bill  W4ZV 

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