[CQ-Contest] Is ARRL DX Really Broken ?

Doug Smith dougw9wi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 05:19:06 PDT 2011

How many participants in ARRL DX (or for that matter, any other contest) enter with the belief they may win?

Seems to me the vast majority of those who make QSOs in any contest do not believe for one moment that they stand any chance of winning.  The "medium 
gun" with a single tribander at 35' and a bunch of family activities during the contest weekend knows darned well that barring a miracle, he's not 
going to end up in the Top 10 box.  If he's operating (and a lot of them are) it's because he has fun operating, not because he's going to get a plaque.

I simply don't think it matters whether a W9 stands a chance of beating a W1.  There's only about ten U.S. entrants who might, possibly, take that 
into effect when deciding whether to enter or how long to participate.


Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View, TN  EM66

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