[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX prep: 2010 logs analysis available

Stan EI6DX ei66dx at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 16:16:26 PST 2011


WPX is on in a couple of weeks. Log analyser has parsed the latest WPX logs
that were made publicly available by the contest committee.

Here is the link to the online results:

Select different contest names to compare WPX 2010 with CQWW 2007, 2008 and
2009. In addition to the usual breakdown by band, mode, time and
zones, the following
statistical information has been extracted from CQWW 2009 and CQWPX 2010
contests. Full article and graphs are available here:

* Number of logs received
The graph below shows total number of logs received in CQWW 2009 and CQWPX
2010 contests (CW and SSB). The Analyser downloaded and parsed all of the
contest logs that were made public. Parsing and analysis is done
Logs                   CW      SSB
CQ WW 2009      5522    5706
CQ WPX 2010     3439    4582

* QSOs in logs
Total number of unique QSOs found in submitted logs. Incorrect report,
zones, modes, bands and so on are ignored. Invalid QSOs make up 2% to 5% of
total numbers per contest. If a QSO is found in 2 logs it is counted only
once (no double counting).
Total QSOs         CW        SSB
CQ WW 2009      2321107 2273645
CQ WPX 2010     1227314 1536632

* Total calls in logs
Total number of different calls found in logs. These figures include ALL
calls logged by contest participants and is not representative of the real
number of contesters. Most of these calls are incorrectly copied or “fake”
QSOs. Further stats shed some light on how many operators really took part
in CQWW and WPX.
Total calls             CW      SSB
CQ WW 2009      61986   90171
CQ WPX 2010     33328   63552

* “Real” calls
This graph shows numbers of calls that were found at least 20 times in
submitted logs. We can consider them “real” calls or “real” contesters.
Others are either incorrectly received calls, “fake” calls or stations that
are not serious enough about contesting.
Calls > 20 QSOs    CW      SSB
CQ WW 2009      11734   14920
CQ WPX 2010     6091    10550

* Percentage of submitted logs
If we assume that 20 is a reasonable minimum number of QSOs made by “real
contesters”, the following graphs shows the ratio of log submissions. I can
only hope that the situation improves with time.
Logs sent (%)     CW      SSB
CQ WW 2009      47%     38%
CQ WPX 2010     56%     43%

Full article and graphs are available here:

VY 73 & GL TEST de Stan

EI6DX CQWPX SSB 2011 MOST - Stan, Mike UA1OMX, Serge UA1OMS

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