[CQ-Contest] Contest Club Book

Aldewey at aol.com Aldewey at aol.com
Wed Mar 9 20:18:18 PST 2011

I don't know about a book but K4RO's Contesting 101 column in he Sep/Oct,  
2010 issue of NCJ addressed this subject.  Also check out some of the  
"Spotlight on Clubs" features that appeared during the last couple years in  NCJ 
to get ideas of how some other clubs got started.
Al, K0AD
In a message dated 3/9/2011 9:46:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
jimsmith at shaw.ca writes:

I seem  to remember somebody mentioning the existence of a book on 
starting and  maintaining a contest club some time within the last 12 

Can  anyone tell me where to get it?

73, Jim Smith     VE7FO

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