[CQ-Contest] Contest Club Book

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Wed Mar 9 21:56:54 PST 2011

Hi Al,

This is probably what I was thinking of.  Tnx

73, Jim	VE7FO

On 3/9/2011 8:18 PM, Aldewey at aol.com wrote:
> Jim;
> I don't know about a book but K4RO's Contesting 101 column in he Sep/Oct,
> 2010 issue of NCJ addressed this subject.  Also check out some of the
> "Spotlight on Clubs" features that appeared during the last couple years in  NCJ
> to get ideas of how some other clubs got started.
> 73,
> Al, K0AD
> In a message dated 3/9/2011 9:46:53 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> jimsmith at shaw.ca writes:
> I seem  to remember somebody mentioning the existence of a book on
> starting and  maintaining a contest club some time within the last 12
> months.
> Can  anyone tell me where to get it?
> 73, Jim Smith     VE7FO
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