[CQ-Contest] 2010 Ohio QSO Party Results Now Available

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Mar 13 09:01:53 PDT 2011

The results of the 2010 Ohio QSO Party are now available  at    
_www.ohqp.org_ (http://www.ohqp.org) 
Congratulations to the category winners:
K8O (K2KW)    SO Hi Power
K8BL                SO Low Power
N8Q (N8XX)      SO QRP
K8T                  Multioperator
W1NN              Mobile   
K8MR               Rover
KW8N               SSB
KV8Q                CW
KJ8F                YL
Club:  Delaware Amateur Radio Association
Outside Ohio:
N4PN               SO Hi Power
NA4K              SO  Low Power
N2WN             SO  QRP
DL2HBX           DX
Club:   Southeast Contest Club 
We hope you'll all be back for the 2011 Ohio QSO Party on Saturday, August  
73   -   Jim   K8MR

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