w5ov at w5ov.com w5ov at w5ov.com
Mon Nov 7 11:54:38 PST 2011


While some of these people may use "judicious callsign rationing" as N6AA
called it, none of them are examples of the seemingly
"forever-not-signing" as is the apparent subject of this discussion. Also,
people like N5TJ certainly are qualified to selectively do whatever is
appropriate but I would argue that his default method is to sign his
callsign more often than not. When he was at VP2E not long ago, I recall
listening to him at length and observing how smoothly he did so, and my
recollection was that he said VictorPapaTwoEcho nearly every time. Many
argue that just saying QRZed allows you to go faster and I think that is
not reality because of the many issues that N6AA mentions - specifically:

" There is a downside, in that you may cause other operators to
take actions that may lower your rate. Certain operators may
feel that their superior stations and/or favorable locations
entitle them to know your callsign where their identification
skills and experience are not advanced enough to determine it,
or enough about you to know whether to call, without hearing
you actually sign it. They may QRM your weak, target stations
by sending, "Call?" They may work you without knowing your
call, which of course, is usually only bad if they are
duplicates ". (N6AA)

Sure, there may be examples of use of these not-signing techniques for a
qso here and there, but there is no justification for not signing your
callsign virtually every time instead of saying "QRZ" or something else
equally as frustrating to the masses. You may as well just say your

Perhaps I should have said:

"you will find that those on the top of the listing do, in fact, say their
callsign with VIRTUALLY every qso".

And, I also should have said:

"To do otherwise ROUTINELY is simply poor operating for those who do not
have the skills described in N6AA's earlier note on the topic".

I'm afraid that if people who do not have the skills necessary think that
the proper way is to *NOT* say their callsign, the problem will get even
worse. I see no reason to suggest otherwise.

Would you agree that a station not sending his callsign for 10 or 15
minutes and only saying QRZed would be poor operating? This is the
phenomena we're dealing with here.


> On Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 01:08:08PM -0500, w5ov at w5ov.com wrote:
>> While many stations don't send their callsign often enough, I think that
>> with a little observation, you will find that those on the top of the
>> listing do, in fact, say their callsign with every qso. Have you ever
>> heard N5TJ run a pileup without saying his callsign?
> The stations at the top of the listing do not always sign their call
> after every contact.  N5TJ does not always say his call after every
> contact.
>> To do otherwise is simply poor operating.
> I do not agree.
>> Those who argue against signing their call with every qso simply don't
>> know what they're talking about.
> I still think this is the definitive respones to this topic:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/1998-07/msg00386.html
> --
> George Fremin III - K5TR
> geoiii at kkn.net
> http://www.kkn.net/~k5tr

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