[CQ-Contest] reverse beacon network

Hank Garretson w6sx at arrl.net
Fri Nov 25 11:30:27 PST 2011

Plus, you can't count on good data with only a few data points. Call TEST
or CQ on a different frequency a few minutes later and you will very likely
get different data. I've done extensive antenna testing using RBN, and,
from experience, I can tell you that to get a real handle on antenna
performance, you need many (hundreds) of data points over a few days, and
you need to look at the data statistically.


Hank, W6SX

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Tom W8JI <w8ji at w8ji.com> wrote:

> > Is there a way to see what antenna's the skimmer station is using? One
> > station in EU has me at 22db and another at 8, I'm trying out a new
> > antenna,
> > and wondering what the difference is....
> It isn't just the antenna. It is every radio aspect of the location,
> antenna, and equipment that determines the S/N ratio. Then, on top of that,
> there is propagation.
> Even if antennas were identical, there could be a 30 dB difference in
> background noise alone. Propagation differences could, at times, be
> infinite!
> 73 Tom

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