[CQ-Contest] Calling Disease in light of FAIR PLAY

Mike N1TA n1tangoalpha at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 22:06:14 PST 2011

Hi Doug,

I don't think that CQ-Contest is the forum for calling out "unsportsmanlike
behavior." Could a forum exist in the future? Maybe, but it would most
certainly be abused with petty squabbling. Especially if it were in "hall
of shame" format. After all, who are any of us to decree someone a bad
operator? Maybe a better route would be to take a recording, and send it to
the CC. In such case as an unsportsmanlike offense were properly documented
and reported, what type of response - if any - would the committee have?
I'm sure such a response exists as this is not a new subject.

Mike DeChristopher, N1TA

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 3:49 PM, <kr2q at optimum.net> wrote:

> The following is my opinion and should not be construed as anything
> official from any
> contest sponsor with which I may be associated.
> "Dumping it in" has indeed gotten worse.  What I find "upsetting" is that
> folks are still doing
> this, even more of this, in light of the current initiative for FAIR PLAY
> (CQWW).  Clearly,
> mistakes happen.  But if the same stations are doing this all the time,
> then that is a clear
> violation of FAIR PLAY.  That is easily defined as UNSPORTSMAN LIKE
> behavior; an actionable
> offense in the CQWW.
> If anyone has recordings or has taken note of such behavior, I would URGE
> them to go ahead
> and contact the offending station, post it on CQ-Contest, or do SOMETHING
> to point out
> that this is not FAIR PLAY.  A "hall of shame," while not exactly what I
> would have in mind, isn't
> bad either...at least it's a start.
> Being a QRP contester, I get dumped on all the time.  I take it for
> granted.  When the DX
> comes back "KR2," that seems to be an alert to the other callers that,
> "Hey, I can dump
> on him easy."  That's OK and I don't really take it personally.  But yes,
> this very bad modus
> operandi should not be condoned or tolerated IF it can be shown that this
> is more than just
> an honest mistake (hint:  have your ducks in a row and documentation in
> place if you plan
> to confront or cite anyone).  I say, LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE PISSED OFF.
>  Forget the
> "gentlemen" stuff...make a stink about it.  To do otherwise is tacit
> approval of such lousy
> behavior.
> So with FAIR PLAY in mind, I say it's time to bring some daylight to the
> offenders.  Do the
> right thing.
> de Doug KR2Q
> The preceding is my opinion and should not be construed as anything
> official from any
> contest sponsor with which I may be associated.
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