[CQ-Contest] Record Number of SAC CW Logs -- Now Grab YourMicrophones!
Igor Sokolov
ua9cdc at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 04:53:26 PDT 2011
Are there plans to make SAC a bit livelier then it is now. IMHO in present
form for outside of Scandinavia participants it is more DXing then
contesting. And not very thrilling DXing indeed. With only about 350
participants from Scandinavia, one third of whom are single banders there is
no fun to operate 24 hours. I always try to get on and give out some points
but never considered full blown participation just because of the above
reason. Look at the contests like RDXC, Ukrainian DXC and several others
that implement different approach. Mixed mode 24 hours contest where
everybody is allowed to work everybody but one or several countries bring
more points and multipliers is a lot more fun. I am sure if SAC would
follow that pass the number of received logs will quickly jump up to 2 or 3
thousand logs and everybody will benefit from this high activity.
Just my thoughts...
73, Igor UA9CDC
> Dear all,
> This year's Scandinavian Activity Contest on CW was a great success,
> despite
> the poor propagation. Up to the deadline, over 1180 logs were submitted.
> This breaks the previous record number of 1115 from last year, marking a
> continued growing trend for the contest that bodes well for the future. We
> thank you all for participation and for your good efforts.
> Before SAC SSB, we would like to call your attention to Section 5 of the
> rules, which states in part: "On 3.5 MHz, Region 1 stations must not
> transmit below 3510 kHz on CW or above 3790 kHz on SSB." (see
> http://www.sactest.net) Frequency clauses have existed in the SAC rules in
> various forms for many years. However, they have not been enforced by
> previous organizers, creating an ambiguous "dead letter" situation.
> The SAC Contest Committee wishes to announce that the rule will be
> enforced
> from here on similarly to any other rules. Because of the expectations
> created by the historical situation, the CW logs are not yet explicitly
> penalized. However, together with the results we will publish a warning
> list, based on Reverse Beacon Network data, of those CW entrants who with
> certainty have solicited QSOs in the forbidden band on 80m. SSB logs with
> such QSOs will be penalized.
> Barring software issues, we hope to provide the final results of SAC CW
> later this week. For now, we note the excited preparations across the
> Arctic
> and the rest of the world to get on the air for SAC SSB this weekend.
> Again,
> the Nordic people will be there in force. Dust off your microphones,
> lubricate your vocal chords or voice keyers, and get ready to enjoy the
> upcoming second part of the Polar Battle!
> 73
> Kim OH6KZP
> On behalf of the SAC Contest Committee
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