[CQ-Contest] The Last Blast - PileUP! goes 3D - Call for contributions
ilkka korpela
ilkka.korpela at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 09:02:50 PDT 2011
Hello Serious, Semi and Pseudo Serious Contesters!
The editorial board (& taxidriver OH2BH) held its last non-virtual meeting
at Helsinki-Vantaa international airport today. We discussed the contents
and timetable of PileUP! 15(5), named the 'The Last Blast'.
We decided to go 3D after evaluating the material:
(e.g. http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela/Anaglyph_mammuth.jpg)
'The Last Blast' welcomes all contributions, be it any dimensional. We can focus
on SAC & CQ WW aftermath, the coming WWMC conference (CCF cruise) and
other themes, since the deadline is Dec 15, 2011. This leaves SAC CC
time to finalize
results, we can include CQ WW stories and the program of the February cruise
is probably ready by then. This issue will be the last by the current crew - now
is the time to publish the juiciest stuff!
73 PileUP! editors
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