[CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contests

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Apr 12 09:42:33 PDT 2012

On 12/04/2012 14:47, marcelo at alternex.com.br wrote:

> Let´s face it, RC is here to stay.

 > Like SSB,
SSB does not replace amateur-band RF in the signal path
between the operators.  It is the operators who exchange
serials, or whatever is required - not the stations.

> VHF-spotting nets,
VHF-spotting nets do not replace amateur-band RF etc.

 > Computer logging,
Computer logging does not replace amateur-band RF etc.

> Clusters
Clusters do not replace amateur-band RF etc,

> Skimmers,
Skimmers do not replace amateur-band RF etc.

What's different about remote control is that it uses
the internet (typically) to replace RF in the signal path
between the operators concerned.  That's what makes the
QSO fundamentally different from vanilla QSOs, using RF
only.  We're back to the difference between hybrid QSOs
and amateur-radio QSOs - and that's why remote control
entries should be classified separately.

All this is subject, of course, to the usual disclaimer
that anything done within the station boundary (the 1000m
rule) has no significance in this respect.

Paul EI5DI

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