[CQ-Contest] New CQ WW DX Rule Bans Post-Contest Log Changes

Gary K9GS garyk9gs at wi.rr.com
Wed Aug 1 14:49:25 PDT 2012

This brings up a few interesting points.

In the June VHF contest this year I worked a bunch of stations that 
identified on CW as "K9ABC/R" or "K9ABC Rover" on SSB.  How are you 
supposed to log this as sent?

If you log K9ABC/R it logs as European Russia.

After the contest, when I imported calls like K9ABC/R into my general 
logging program that I use to keep track of DXCC/Grids, etc...all of 
these had to be fixed by hand.

In QSO parties, mobile stations usually identify as K9ABC/MKE for 
"Milwaukee County" but some don't use the county identifier.  This 
changes as they move from county to county.  How do you log this?

I've also heard in CQWW many times where stations will identify in 
different ways during the same contest, like EA8/K9ABC and 10 minutes 
later K9ABC/EA8.  Obviously when the log is submitted am I going to get 
dinged for all of the QSO's which were sent improperly?

In Field Day this year I worked several stations that could NOT send 
their callsign the same way twice.

On 8/1/2012 12:33 PM, Andrew Faber wrote:
> The modification refers to rule XII(2), which reads:
> "2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. In addition to the
> number exchange, the call sign sent by an entrant during a completed
> exchange, must be logged as sent by the entrant. All QSO exchanges must be
> logged upon QSO completion."
> What does this language: "the call sign sent by an entrant during a
> completed exchange, must be logged as sent by the entrant" mean?
> Must each station now send his own call during each contact?
>    73, andy ae6y p49y
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Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
CW Ops #1032   http://www.cwops.org


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