[CQ-Contest] [N1MM] New RAC (ARRL contest) sections

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 20:04:21 PDT 2012

On 08/08/2012 08:47 PM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> Oh, OK, let's see if I follow you:
> Selected ARRL contests have always used ARRL sections as multipliers.
> RAC this year has decided to split the old Ontario section into 4.  Which
> means, by default, the selected ARRL contests that have always used sections
> now have a net gain of 3.

That would be nice if it was true.

However, as shown in http://www.rac.ca/en/rac/public-service/section-managers/ 
Yukon is not a RAC section. It is part of the British Columbia section. Yet the 
ARRL treats Yukon as a separate section for contest purposes.

Steve, N2IC

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