[CQ-Contest] New RAC (ARRL contest) sections

James Cain jamesdavidcain at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 15:23:30 PDT 2012

It looks to me like I can drive to ONN in about five hours from here in Wisconsin, just over the border at Sault Ste Marie. The last time I operated from Canada was at the 1976 Olympic Games. 

But I'd need some incentive for doing this in the CW SS; it would be an expedition. Here's how I figure it: Open a Pay-for-QSO web site after the SS. You send me money. Then at the log submission deadline I send in a log with only my QSOs that got "supported." Everybody else gets a NIL. 

Advance "support" for my expedition would of course be especially appreciated. Please remember to write your call sign on your check or money order. 

This is what some DXpeditions do and I don't have a problem with that. If I need them for a New One I'm glad to throw them a few dollars for their effort. 

Jim Cain K1TN


I went through my 2011 CW SS log. Having won the contest, and being located in a favorable location for working VE3 on the high bands, I think it represents a very good assessment of Ontario CW contest activity.

Total Ontario worked: 23

GTA: 11
ONE: 7
ONS: 5
ONN: 0

Steve, N2IC

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