[CQ-Contest] WWDX log checking software glitch ?

Oliver Dröse droese at necg.de
Sat Aug 11 06:06:06 PDT 2012

Dear contest committee,

I just started analysing my last year's WWDX UBN's and found a few strange things already. Please see my detailed analysis for a few sample QSOs below. To my mind those errors should not happen in the log check software.

I know it is probably difficult to find a routine that handles such cases when QSOs with calls "one off" are happening within 1 or 2 minutes and you only have the log of one of the two stations that were worked. So I have no real idea but maybe some of your software guru's do. ;-)

Even with those correct QSOs counted in it would not have made a difference in my personal standing. Nevertheless it could have done (and probably for others, too) therefor I would be glad to see a solution if possible at all.

Many thanks for taking a look into it.

73, Olli - DH8BQA


Contest:  2011 CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST
Call:     DH8BQA
Category: Single Op 28 MHz High Power Assisted

********************* Incorrectly copied *********************

28340 PH 2011-10-29 1208 DH8BQA          14 W1GQ             5 correct     W1EQ
Corresponding log:
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1206 DH8BQA        59  14     SP7BCA        59  15      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1207 DH8BQA        59  14     W1EQ          59  05 <--   
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1207 DH8BQA        59  14     NE3F          59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1207 DH8BQA        59  14     K3BFQ         59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1207 DH8BQA        59  14     K4CIA         59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1208 DH8BQA        59  14     VE9AA         59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1208 DH8BQA        59  14     NK3Y          59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1208 DH8BQA        59  14     W1GQ          59  05 <--     
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1208 DH8BQA        59  14     K1NI          59  05      
Both QSOs taped on audio.
Both QSOs were logged correctly.
Obviously W1GQ just did not send his log in.

28340 PH 2011-10-29 1210 DH8BQA          14 K0ZR             5 correct     K1ZR
Corresponding log:
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1209 DH8BQA        59  14     VA2OP         59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1209 DH8BQA        59  14     K1ZR          59  05 <--     
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1209 DH8BQA        59  14     K1TR          59  05      
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1210 DH8BQA        59  14     K0ZR          59  05 <--     
QSO: 28340 PH 2011-10-29 1210 DH8BQA        59  14     W1DAD         59  05      
Both QSOs taped on audio.
Both QSOs confirmed in LoTW.
Both QSOs were logged correctly.
Obviously K0ZR just did not send his log in.

28758 PH 2011-10-29 1543 DH8BQA          14 K8PL             4 correct     K8GL
Corrosponding log:
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1539 DH8BQA        59  14     DF5ZV         59  14      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1540 DH8BQA        59  14     K8GL          59  04 <--     
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1540 DH8BQA        59  14     W4UFM         59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1540 DH8BQA        59  14     K4ML          59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1540 DH8BQA        59  14     K4DMH         59  08      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1540 DH8BQA        59  14     N8EJV         59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1541 DH8BQA        59  14     NY9K          59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1541 DH8BQA        59  14     AB2TC         59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1541 DH8BQA        59  14     KD0PLD        59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1541 DH8BQA        59  14     K4HLY         59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1541 DH8BQA        59  14     N4HWH         59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     NM2L          59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     W0ETT         59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     N9UY          59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     N7VF          59  03      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     W1KM          59  05      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1542 DH8BQA        59  14     W0KIT         59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1543 DH8BQA        59  14     K9KWL         59  04      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1543 DH8BQA        59  14     N7MAL         59  03      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1543 DH8BQA        59  14     W0PAN         59  03      
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1543 DH8BQA        59  14     K8PL          59  04 <--     
QSO: 28758 PH 2011-10-29 1544 DH8BQA        59  14     VE3BTC        59  07      
Both QSOs taped on audio.
Both QSOs were logged correctly.
K8PL - the "wrong" one - even confirmed in LoTW.
Obviously K8PL just did not send his log in.

28686 PH 2011-10-30 1500 DH8BQA          14 W2XB             5 correct     W2XL
Corrosponding log:
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1459 DH8BQA        59  14     N3WMC         59  05      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1500 DH8BQA        59  14     W2XB          59  05 <--     
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1501 DH8BQA        59  14     CJ3A          59  04      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1501 DH8BQA        59  14     W3KB          59  05      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1501 DH8BQA        59  14     N3VBJ         59  05      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1501 DH8BQA        59  14     VE3CWU        59  04      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1501 DH8BQA        59  14     KB7ZUT        59  04      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1502 DH8BQA        59  14     K1LU          59  05      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1502 DH8BQA        59  14     AC5N          59  04      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1502 DH8BQA        59  14     N8EJV         59  04      
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1502 DH8BQA        59  14     W2XL          59  05 <--     
QSO: 28686 PH 2011-10-30 1503 DH8BQA        59  14     N3EVN         59  04      
Both QSOs taped on audio.
Both QSOs confirmed in LoTW.
Both QSOs were logged correctly.
Obviously W2XB just did not send his log in.

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