[CQ-Contest] DC and NAQP

Jim Jordan k4qpl at nc.rr.com
Sat Aug 18 04:34:19 PDT 2012

IMHO this(that DC is a top level political subdivision) is the one single, 
logical, reasonable, equitable, fair (I'll stop here with synonyms) reason 
that DC should be a separate multiplier. Not for historical reasons, not to 
make it more fun for the residents, not to be another multiplier, not to 
have another multiplier to chase, and not to bash, or honor, our UNITED 
states government which is headquartered there. We could make all those 
other arguments for making most any other state capital, city or county a 
multiplier. If the contest sponsors will simply strike one blow for 
CONSISTENCY, DC will be a multiplier and the gazillion electrons we are 
rearranging in this thread would be irrelevant.


Jim, K4QPL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Stoetzer" <n8hm at arrl.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] DC and NAQP

> They are. As is UN Headquarters.
> It's silly that a building in Manhattan is a multiplier but the District
> of Columbia is not. The fact is that the District of Columbia is the
> only separate top-level political subdivision within the United States
> or Canada that is not a multiplier in NAQP.
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
> On 8/11/2012 10:16 AM, Aldewey at aol.com wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong but PR and VI ARE multipliers in NAQP.  Right?
>> What am I missing?
>> 73,
>> Al, K0AD
>> In a message dated 8/11/2012 8:36:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
>> wn3vaw at verizon.net writes:
>> Otherwise, one could make a case for PR & VI, as populated US 
>> territories
>> within the generally accepted bounds of North America, should  also be
>> mults.
>> Is that what you want?  Or would that be an  unanticipated  consequence?
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