[CQ-Contest] 2012 SARTG - All 3830 Claimed Scores 24Aug2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Aug 24 10:42:33 EDT 2012

2012 SARTG - All 3830 Claimed Scores 24Aug2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 10, 2012
E-mail logs to: contest at sartg.com
Mail logs to:
SARTG Contest Manager
Ewe Hakansson, SM7BHM
Pilspetsvagen 4
SE-29166 Kristianstad
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All M/S HP
HG7T               923 10915   230    24  2,510,450 Hungarian DX Club
VE3FJB             544  6995   106    24    986,295 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
RG9A              1130 16145   245    24  3,955,525 South Ural CC
NR4M               851 11310   214    24  2,420,340 PVRC
DM5TI              791  9335   226    24  2,109,710 DRCG
VA2UP              836 10810   192    18  2,075,520 Contest Group du Que
W3FV               785 10395   197 20.75  2,047,815 FRC
OH2BBT             754  8440   202        1,704,880 
W2YC               579  7665   175    12  1,341,375 FRC
W3MF               553  7240   179 10:22  1,295,960 FRC
GM0FGI             601  6650   171    20  1,137,150 GMDX Group
K9OM               503     0   163        1,038,000 

K4FX               437  5605   144    17    807,120 
WB2RHM/4           384  4910   161  18.5    790,510 SECC
K4MGE              402  4915   131  14.5    643,865 
AA3B               357  4530   127     6    575,310 FRC
DJ3IW              305  3845   144 08:19    553,680 DRCG
DK7YY(@DP9A)       351  4385   113    10    495,505 BCC
VE3UTT             287  3880   119     5    461,720 CCO
VY2SS              323  4180    72  4.75    409,640 
NX5O               345  3750    90   7.5    337,500 
N2BJ               293  3415    92     8    314,180 SMC

K7IA/5             260  2775    87  7:06    241,425 Arizona Outlaws Cont
W4UK               259  3035    79    12    239,765 SECC
W4PK               224  2935    75   4.1    220,125 PVRC
VA7ST              222  2500    86    14    215,000 Orca DX and Contest 
LZ2PL              206  2355    79     3    186,045 
AL9A               199  2500    66  5:41    165,000 
K4CX               208  1825    77          140,525 TCG
N6QQ               109  1380    61     2     84,180 SCCC
W6SX               150  1520    48           72,960 NCCC
AB4GG               48   465    19     1      8,835 TCG

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
WE4M(N2QT)         750  9485   198 22:48  1,878,030 PVRC
P40S(K7MKL)        744 11110   157 23:41  1,744,270 NCCC
IC8TEM             677  7585   183    22  1,388,055 WWYC
SM7BHM             492  5425   163    24    884,275 
AB0LR              438  4910   134 15:54    657,940 
AB4SF              319  4060   141    16    572,460 
DL1ZBO             347  3655   131    13    478,805 DRCG
W1BYH              227  2830   120     9    339,600 CTRI
NO2T               233  2850    85    21    242,250 Bergen Amateur Radio
W4GDG              208  2500    94    11    235,000 PVRC

GU0SUP             220  2515    92     8    231,380 DRCG
W4UH               141  1790   117   P/T    209,430 FCG
W5EW               206  2115    68    13    143,820 
OZ4FF              131  1475    77     6    113,575 
S56A               119  1480    68     4    100,640 
KS0M               136  1565    56           87,640 
KR1ST/3            112  1455    56     4     81,480 Homeless Aether Snif
OM0DX              123  1265    64           80,960 
VE2EBK             121  1390    58     4     80,620 Contest Group du Que
N2FF                90  1145    62 3.5 h     70,990 OBONY

W9ILY              103  1315    52   2.7     68,380 METRO DX Club
W5JBO              111  1145    42  2:45     48,090 
W0RAA              151  1525    31     6     47,275 Grand Mesa
KH6GMP              71  1040    44           45,760 
AA8IA               66   845    45  3:30     38,025 MRRC
K3FH                55   695    41           28,495 TCG
M0CFW(JK3GAD)       66   720    35           25,200 BCC
N1JM/7              67   645    39           25,155 Arizona Outlaws Cont
WA1DRQ              49   670    35     4     23,450 YCCC
KK4EIR              50   580    19     4     16,240 

KB9OWD              25   255    18    .5      4,590 SMC

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
K2YG                45   495    31     6     15,345 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/15 HP
IV3TMV             321  4100    84    24    344,400 SKY CC
OH1F(OH1NOA)       312  3720    80    22    297,600 CCF
K4WW               120  1645    52     5     85,540 
W6RLL/7             50   585    27     2     15,795 Arizona Outlaws Cont

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/15 LP
CT1EEK             239  2815    66          185,790 
KP2DX(KP2BH)       130  1450    24           53,650 dx4life contest club
YU8NU               90  1095    48   6.0     52,560 YU CC

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 HP
IW1AYD             618  7575    93    24    704,475 RR DX
S51MA              502  6320    97    18    613,040 
YL2KF              448  5135    82    20    421,070 Latvian CC
OH2BP              370  4477    75    11    335,775 CCF

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 LP
Z39A               291  3200    46     8    147,200 Z37M Contest team
TG9AJR             213  2420    41    12     99,220 RR DX

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/40 HP
LY5W               241  2575    49    14    126,175 Vytautas Magnus Univ

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/80 HP
IZ4DPV             198  1950    38    11     74,100 RR DX

HG7T         HA5BSW,HA7TM

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