[CQ-Contest] ID vs no ID

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 21:47:17 EST 2012

Perfectly and balanced expressed Toivo!

Exaggeration in either direction is counterproductive.

Common sense should prevail.

73 de RM2D (SM6LRR), Mats
On Dec 2, 2012 9:22 AM, "Toivo Hallikivi" <toivo.hallikivi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> After reading numerous posts about stations not ID:ing frequently enough in
> contests I got puzzled why no-one has suggested asking the running station
> for his call. When I do S&P in a multi-op or SO2R and end up listening to a
> running station that doesn't ID in a decent time I just send "CL?". If this
> makes me a LID, so be it. "Decent time" here depends a bit on the situation
> - how many callers, how fast he's running the pile-up etc. Anyway, IMHO, it
> shouldn't be more than a minute or so. If his zone indicates that you need
> him or for some other reason you feel the need to work him before knowing
> his call sign send your exchange as "CL? 5nn xx". If he is rude enough not
> to ID after that then it's your decision whether you want hang around for
> the ID or just move on. Unfortunately some people tend to abuse this. Every
> now and then I get a "CL?" after having signed my call 10 seconds ago.
> I do not agree with those demanding ID:ing with every QSO. When running I
> try to ID after every 3 QSO's with a few callers or after 4-5 QSO's when
> the
> number of callers is higher but I almost never ID after every QSO when I
> have more than one caller. E.g. if I have two of more callers, work the
> strongest guy first, why would I now send my call and invite more callers
> with potentially stronger signals to compete with the weaker guys that have
> already waited for a while? This would not only be frustrating to the small
> pistols trying to work me but one of these weak guys could also be a double
> multiplier and making him giving up on me would hurt my score as well. I
> understand that this approach is probably not applicable to West Africa or
> the Caribbean with endless pile-ups but here in the North every QSO counts.
> Just hope everyone will use common sense here and the ID:ing frequency will
> not get regulated by contest rules or smth.
> 73, Toivo, ES2RR
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