[CQ-Contest] ID vs no ID

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 16:10:30 EST 2012

Just returned from West Africa Toivo.Your approach works there as well. The
only difference was, I had to ID every 6 or 7 QSO when pileup was really
heavy.There are other methods of pileup management such as turning output
power down, increase CW speed and split as the last resort. But most
important the operator should be able to sustain rate of 200 +  QSO per
hour. If DX op is slow it irritates everybody and attracts CL? much too

73, Igor UA9CDC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mats Strandberg" <sm6lrr at gmail.com>
To: "Toivo Hallikivi" <toivo.hallikivi at gmail.com>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] ID vs no ID

> Perfectly and balanced expressed Toivo!
> Exaggeration in either direction is counterproductive.
> Common sense should prevail.
> 73 de RM2D (SM6LRR), Mats
> On Dec 2, 2012 9:22 AM, "Toivo Hallikivi" <toivo.hallikivi at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> After reading numerous posts about stations not ID:ing frequently enough
>> in
>> contests I got puzzled why no-one has suggested asking the running
>> station
>> for his call. When I do S&P in a multi-op or SO2R and end up listening to
>> a
>> running station that doesn't ID in a decent time I just send "CL?". If
>> this
>> makes me a LID, so be it. "Decent time" here depends a bit on the
>> situation
>> - how many callers, how fast he's running the pile-up etc. Anyway, IMHO,
>> it
>> shouldn't be more than a minute or so. If his zone indicates that you
>> need
>> him or for some other reason you feel the need to work him before knowing
>> his call sign send your exchange as "CL? 5nn xx". If he is rude enough
>> not
>> to ID after that then it's your decision whether you want hang around for
>> the ID or just move on. Unfortunately some people tend to abuse this.
>> Every
>> now and then I get a "CL?" after having signed my call 10 seconds ago.
>> I do not agree with those demanding ID:ing with every QSO. When running I
>> try to ID after every 3 QSO's with a few callers or after 4-5 QSO's when
>> the
>> number of callers is higher but I almost never ID after every QSO when I
>> have more than one caller. E.g. if I have two of more callers, work the
>> strongest guy first, why would I now send my call and invite more callers
>> with potentially stronger signals to compete with the weaker guys that
>> have
>> already waited for a while? This would not only be frustrating to the
>> small
>> pistols trying to work me but one of these weak guys could also be a
>> double
>> multiplier and making him giving up on me would hurt my score as well. I
>> understand that this approach is probably not applicable to West Africa
>> or
>> the Caribbean with endless pile-ups but here in the North every QSO
>> counts.
>> Just hope everyone will use common sense here and the ID:ing frequency
>> will
>> not get regulated by contest rules or smth.
>> 73, Toivo, ES2RR
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