[CQ-Contest] JIDX 2012 CW result uploaded

Takao Kumagai je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp
Mon Dec 3 04:26:29 EST 2012

To All

We have uploaded JIDX 2012 CW result.
Please view the JIDX home page;

Result is here;

We are accepting 2012 JIDX PHONE contest log NOW.
The deadline is Dec. 11, 2012.
If you make one or more QSOs in the JIDX-2012-PH, 
please send your log to;
ph at jidx.org
and the log received list is here;
JE1CKA, Tack Kumagai
je1cka at gmail.com
je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp

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