[CQ-Contest] 9A CW Contest 2012 - postcontest

Kresimir Kovarik kreso at kreso.com
Tue Dec 18 05:45:51 EST 2012

Hi everyone.

Some 44 hours after the contest, we already received over 700 logs.

Just to remind everyone that you can send your log too, doesn't matter if
it contains only a few QSOs.
For good log checking procedure, each log is very important for us and it
will be really appreciated.

You can send your log in Cabrillo format at address: 9acw at 9acw.org

Also for more info, please check http://www.9acw.org web.

List of currently received logs is available also at
http://www.9acw.org(choose Received logs list in left menu) or go
directly on this link:

Log deadline is still 30 days after the contest, which is 15th of January

Once again, thanks for joining us in 9A CW 2012.

Best regards,

Kresimir Kovarik - 9A5K
HRS HF Manager
9A CW Contest Director

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