[CQ-Contest] IARU Contest Rulrs.

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Tue Jul 10 04:45:31 PDT 2012

6.4. The use of non-amateur radio means of communications (e.g. telephone or 
the Internet) for the purpose of soliciting a contact (or contacts) during 
the contest period is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these 

That is poorly worded, because it can be taken to mean two things:

1.) It can mean we cannot do that just in the contest period, but arranging 
a contact before the contest period is OK.

2.) It can also mean we cannot prearrange or solict any contest period 
contacts, even before the event starts.

Technically, the way it is written means we can't ever have a sked or can't 
ever arrange a contact even BEFORE the event starts, but some might read it 
like this:

6.4. The use of non-amateur radio means of communications (e.g. telephone or 
the Internet) for the purpose of soliciting a contact (or contacts), during 
the contest period, is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of these 

Wait until Nancy Grace gets hold of this. :-) 

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