[CQ-Contest] Op available CQWW SSB and CW

trogo at telegraphy.com trogo at telegraphy.com
Thu Jul 12 11:48:57 PDT 2012

It's never to early to start looking.  Since moving to a new QTH in Colombia
I have not been able to get a new station on the air.  Therefore, I'm looking
for a place to operate for both contests this October and November.  Have
over 50 years of contesting experience on both modes, founding member of
the VooDudes, participated at N2RM (several times), NR4M, K8AZ, N6DX,
etc.. and
from many countries on all continents.  Prefer a Multi Op station and prefer
outside the USA but all offers considered (if any ;-)) Contact me
trogo at telegraphy.com      Thanks

                       Tony  W4OI/HK1AR
        ex: N7BG, K5LMJ, W7HZF, WA6BOU, W6JPC, K4KES,
            F7BG, VQ9AR, VP5AR, 9G5AR, TY5AR, CN2BG,
              HK0/HK1AR, 5V7BG, TU/N7BG, OJ0/N7BG,
                         and others
                 Referee WRTC 2000, 2002, 2006

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