[CQ-Contest] CHEATERS - ala N6TJ

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 21 13:40:13 PDT 2012

 a published list of cheaters... prior to closing the acceptance of logs... would allow the removal of their qsos...and THAT would work!!!That would get me a WHOLE lot more interested in working the big contests....  good idea Doug  and thanks Jim.. bet there are a bunch more to tell too.

--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy
> It would be a wonderful thing if "the cheaters" would be rewarded with an on-the-air, during
> the contest, boycott; nobody work them.
> I don't know why this concept has not been discussed before (maybe it has, but I missed it).
> Forget peer pressure or public humiliation (of which NEITHER works on die-hard cheaters).  Just
> boycott their signal.  Nobody boycotting them is going to "lose" because of 1 QSO/1 mult (and 
> it is likely that they won't be a unique mult either), per band.
> Or maybe some "civil disobedience" -go ahead and work them, then remove them from your 
> log after the contest.  No QSO is "only" 0 points.  A NIL means lost QSO + PENALTY.  
> Perhaps it's time to think out of the box for life-long cheaters; but you didn't hear it from me.
> ;-)
> de Doug KR2Q

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