[CQ-Contest] CQ Update

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 10:19:14 PDT 2012

My congratulations as well!

It is a first good step to reduce possibilities of unfair "polishing" of
the log.  Reducing log submission deadline even further will make it
impossible at all to sit with the tape recorder and callbook (or QRZ.COM)

73 de RA/SM6LRR, Mats

2012/7/21 Bob Cox <bobk3est at gmail.com>

> Dear Fellow Contesters,
> *With the technology available today and the presence of the internet
> practically everywhere, it has been decided to reduce the log submission
> time for all CQ contests to five (5) days.  *
> Your log should be sent to the appropriate robot within five (5) days after
> the end of the contest.  Reviewing the submissions from last year’s CQ WW
> DX contests, ~ 70% of all electronic logs were received within 7 days after
> the contest.  We realize that in some cases circumstances may not allow a
> timely submission.  Requests for an extension must be received before the
> log submission deadline by sending an e-mail to questions at cqww.com.
> *The first CQ contest affected by this new log deadline will be the CQ WW
> RTTY contest taking place in September (see CQ WW DX RTTY reflector).*
> More information on other important CQ WW matters will be provided to the
> contest community via CQ WW CC updates and webinars in the near future. We
> will keep you informed of the date(s) of webinars.
> 73,
> Bob, K3EST
> Director CQ WW
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