[CQ-Contest] WPX and LOTW

Nate Bargmann n0nb at n0nb.us
Sun Jul 22 16:46:35 PDT 2012

* On 2012 22 Jul 13:54 -0500, Bill Parry wrote:
> I thought I would check out the WPX provision on LOTW this morning. I have a
> bunch of prefixes from all the contests over the years and I thought it
> might be cool to have the certificate. I went through the process and it
> said that I have 1758 prefixes. Seems reasonable. The final page shows that
> 1758 confirmations will cost $210.96 at $.12 per confirmation. That seems
> pretty expensive so I guess that I'll have to just do without that one!

Interesting.  LoTW has cross referenced none of my QSOs before the date
that WPX was activated for everyone.  It had 47 WPX matches out of
nearly 3100 confirmations as of yesterday.  I added some manually, but
that became tedious.  I would have thought that at some point matches
would have started to appear from earlier confirmations.  Perhaps one
day, but I'm in no hurry.

I saw on another forum that CQ accepts QSL credit on the honor system,
so some are planning to have the matches available to print off from
LoTW but use the paper CQ form for $12.  I suppose the choice is yours.

73, de Nate >>


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