[CQ-Contest] Log Submission Times

Luc Moreira py8azt at dxbrasil.net
Wed Jul 25 08:51:43 PDT 2012

2012/7/25 Richard DiDonna NN3W <richnn3w at verizon.net>:
> Nonetheless, I would suggest that the CQ Committee consider a tiered
> approach to log submission - similar to what RDXC does.  If you think
> you've got a high scoring log - one that will be a world top ten log -
> you must submit it within five days of the end of the contest (by 2359z
> Friday). If you just played around to work points for the club or for
> your own goals, then you have 30 days as your score (and any creativity
> you undertake) will be unlikely to affect top rankings.

I really like this approach: treat different customers differently.

We should not treat casual participants that send in his log "as It"
(If he bother enough to send it) 30 days after contest equal
contesters that is serious about who is who into Top Score Box.

5 days might be long time for Top Notch Operators, but It's too short
for casual "having fun" participants.

73, Luc
PW7T Team member
WRTC.2006 Brazilian Referee
WRTC.2010 Brazilian Team Leader
PY8AZT (also PT7AG, R37U, ZY7C, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
LABRE, ARRL, CWJF & Fortaleza DX Group Member

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