[CQ-Contest] Bad Format Logs

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Thu Jul 26 06:43:34 PDT 2012

Besides what W5OV has mentioned....some of my personal favorites:

1.  Entering monoband 15, but the log QRGs are monoband 20 (or any other band).
Yup...radio not hooked up the computer during the contest.

2.  Wanting to enter monoband (say 10m) and when the band closes, operating on the
other band too (perfectly fine).  But instead of sending in ONE COMPLETE log, the entrant
sends in their monoband log first and then sends in "the rest of the log" flagged as a check
log.  The Robot always uses ONLY the most recent log, so when the entrant does that, their
"actual" (most of their QSOs) log is "lost."  We have go into the Robot archive and "put it
back together" and resubmit it to the robot file.

3.  Submitting a somehow truncated file.  Out of a 2000 QSO log, we only "get" the first 70
QSOs from the entrant.  Requires contacting the entrant and asking them to 'try again."
As Bob indicated, we only find this out of the log checking run and these guys end up creating
a huge number of NILs for the other entrants.

4.  Missing column data in the Cabrilllo file.  This "shifts" everything over and nothing makes
sense.  Yes, the entrant receives a robot notification about this, but a LOT of entrants are
just clueless about how to remedy this.  So the file is technically formatted correctly, but
the missing column data kills it.

de Doug KR2Q

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