[CQ-Contest] Log submission time

Paul Stoetzer n8hm at arrl.net
Thu Jul 26 07:28:09 PDT 2012

Always submit a log no matter how few QSOs you have. You might get
surprised with a certificate. My 5 QRP QSOs in the ARRL DX Phone
contest this year placed me at the top of the Atlantic Division in the
QRP category (most of my time in the contest was spent as an op at an
M/S station).


Paul, N8HM

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN <wn3vaw at verizon.net> wrote:
> It may be counter-productive to try, on the one hand, to urge people to submit logs no matter how "serious" the operator was, and then on the other hand dismiss those that don't do so as not mattering "all that much."
> If it doesn't matter "all that much" whether or not the small logs are submitted, then, why would they bother at all?
> On 07/25/12, Tom W8JI wrote:
>>4 Enter contest, dont bother sending in log
> My bet is on an increase in non-submitted logs, not that those logs matter
> all that much.
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