[CQ-Contest] Do I need to operate assisted to figure out the calls?

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Sun Jul 29 09:43:03 PDT 2012

During the IOTA Contest I realized that some stations have become so
self-assured that everyone checks the cluster, so the need to ID after
contacts has become useless.

Come on guys, there are still a few operators around the globe who actually
want to copy the call themselves and not rely on cluster spots.

Amazingly poor behavior from many stations on the band this weekend!

Do I need to work Assisted next time instead of waiting 12-15 QSO before
someone ID?

I work acceptably high rates myself but ID at least every second or third
QSO even if the pile is huge. If just one station was calling the last
time, I ID after each QSO.

Time to teach some of the newbies how to do it - as well as re-teach old
guns how we used to do it before the appearance of the cluster?

73 de RM2D (ex. RA/SM6LRR), Mats

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