[CQ-Contest] Do I need to operate assisted to figure out the calls?

Yannick DEVOS (XV4Y) yannick.devos at online.fr
Tue Jul 31 18:56:59 PDT 2012


I agree with you (and with many people here) about this.
What I do is similar. If they don't ID, I call them. If I am a dupe, perhaps they will figure out they have to ID.
What I don't understand is that lack of IDing goes against their own performance.
Ok they will increase slightly their rate but they will also increase the number of dupes and "rare" stations will not lose time waiting them for IDing.

Last week-end I just had a few hours daytime in the IOTA contest, only SSB.
I am not an avid contester nor a IOTA chaser.
Condx were average and participation rather good (not so many rare stations here in Asia).
I had some nice DX and many "thanks for participating" even if in this contest working non-IOTA XV or JA give the same score.
I heard a station S9+30dB working a pile-up. He did not ID for 10 minutes (not 10 QSO). Just like everyone I like breaking pile-ups.
With so many people were chasing him I decided then to call but got no response in another 5minutes (so that's 10 minutes calling without ID).
He was giving IOTA AS-155. I am not an IOTA chaser so I did not react at first. After more than 10 minutes lost, even if I was in the non-assisted I decided to have a look on the RSGB IOTA database. Then I saw that AS-155 was Taiwan and rather rare. I checked my log to figure out I already worked this IOTA so there was an high probability it was the same station...

In many countries the laws regulating HAM Radio states that you have to ID when transmitting.
Contest rules imply that you follow your country laws.
So I think any station not IDing could be disqualified right now, without needing a change in rules wording.
However, a few words in the contest rules could make clear that this is now important and not IDing will not be tolerated anymore...

73 es GDX,
Yannick DEVOS - XV4Y

> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 09:39:09 -0600
> From: Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Do I need to operate assisted to figure out
> 	the calls?
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID: <5017FC1D.5060602 at arrl.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> My solution to this problem is simple. I call them. If I'm a dupe, it wastes 
> their time, too. Good. I work them, and ask for their call. If they give their 
> call, and it's a dupe, it wastes their time, too. Good. If they still don't send 
> it, I simply move on. I lose nothing, they get a much-deserved NIL. If more of 
> us did this, it would affect their behavior in future contests.
> 73,
> Steve, N2IC

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