[CQ-Contest] Logs for RDXC

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 16:06:32 PDT 2012

Hi John,

Have you tried Uploading your log in the RDXC webpage?

I had no trouble in sending via email.

73's Filipe CT1ILT aka CR6K

No dia 29 de Março de 2012 21:35, John Laney <k4bai at att.net> escreveu:

> I posted before my Bonaire trip that my log for RDXA had twice not been
> delivered to the RDXA address in the rules and that the webpage didn't
> work for me.  I got some replies that logs had some problems being
> delivered like mine, but others that went right through and I think said
> that they were acknowledged.  The deadline is 14 days so I suppose
> Sunday is the last date.  I spent several hours late last night removing
> some extraneous dashes that the logging program had inserted in the log
> and resubmitted the log early this morning (just after midnight).  I
> have not received an acknowledgment from a robot or otherwise.  Should I
> be concerned?  I won't be back home where the log is kept until late
> Friday night, but will try again this weekend if necessary.  Any
> suggestions are welcome.  73, John, K4BAI.
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Filipe Lopes CT1ILT aka CR6K

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