[CQ-Contest] Why is he ashamed of his call???

Geoffrey Way wayg at cape-vision.com
Thu Nov 29 19:01:06 EST 2012

This response is about the problem of lack of ID in a contest, not about a 
particular person.

I listen for 2 or 3 Q's for an ID, and then work them even if they haven't yet.

If a running station isn't sending their call, I work him as though *I* am 
running, by sending THEIR call and the exchange, and make them worry I am 
about to STEAL THE QRG.

And I am *VERY LOUD...*

In EVERY instance of doing this, the other station IMMEDIATELY signs to try 
to re-assert who is running. This costs them even more time than they 
thought they were saving, and puts them on notice. A secondary benefit is 
that if I am working them based on a cluster spot, I get to verify the 
spot's accuracy. A tertiary benefit is that everyone else will also hear 
their call from my end, giving them a chance to hear what might be a weaker 
station's callsign repeated from a big station's signal.

If everyone on the S&P end did this, all infrequently ID-ing stations would 
quickly lose this very bad habit of long runs with no ID.

Team member @ KM1W

  "Style is a simple way of saying complicated things."  --J. Cocteau

               \    /
            \  |    |   ---Tao.   A chinese character that
            -- |----|                means "Way, Path."
             / |----|
             \ |____|
             /_________                  Geoffrey Way

      websites: http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/mrep

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