[CQ-Contest] Mulan DXC Worked All Chinese Provinces Contest 2012 Oct. 6, from 0000-2359 UTC.

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Wed Oct 3 13:42:31 EDT 2012

Any chitter chatter about this "First Annual Worked All Provinces (WAPC) 
of China DX Contest?   I just noticed it on the WA7BNM contest calendar 
and decided to look it up.  I tried searching for "Mulan DXC" in the 
archives of this reflector and came up with NIL.

Their English web site is http://www.mulandxc.org/?page_id=2

The only logging programme listed on their web site is from 

How easy is it to work China from the United States?   I remember 
working BV1US (in Taiwan) from Denver back in the 50's, with 500 watts 
AM, and a W8JK beam but haven't been a serious DXer since then.

72/73 de n8xx Hg

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