[CQ-Contest] Mulan DXC Worked All Chinese Provinces Contest 2012 Oct. 6, from 0000-2359 UTC.

Charles Harpole hs0zcw at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 18:19:20 EDT 2012

Chinese ops are on almost 24/7 on freq of 14.270 plus or minus 10kc.  If
you can not hear any China in that freq range, likely that time of
day/night is not good for that path.  Their frequent operations are like a
beacon in that they are on the air so much, but mostly at that spot on the

Also, generally you must use the phonetics they themselves use for their
call signs or they will think you are calling someone else.  Example...
Bravo Delta one Able Charlie King.  If you say anything else, no joy
often.  Their operating practice also seems to be based on the idea that if
a freq is busy, that is a good working freq to add their xmissions in there
too.  Like Russians getting into the longest line at Moscow McDonalds
because that must be where the best food is served.  Also, take time when
turning it over to a Chinese station because sometimes you are working a
very new ham who has someone at his elbow coaching him what to say and they
need time to get that coaching done before he can come back to you.  You
will also hear the coach's voice sometimes in background.  Some club
stations are in such demand there that you will hear an op get his one
contact and then a new guy takes the mic. for his one.  Q signals are often
misunderstood (especially, "QSY pse" and "QRT pse).  There is also some
tendency to do as the Italians do which is to continue to call regardless.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Hank Greeb <n8xx at arrl.org> wrote:

> Any chitter chatter about this "First Annual Worked All Provinces (WAPC)
> of China DX Contest?   I just noticed it on the WA7BNM contest calendar and
> decided to look it up.  I tried searching for "Mulan DXC" in the archives
> of this reflector and came up with NIL.
> Their English web site is http://www.mulandxc.org/?page_**id=2<http://www.mulandxc.org/?page_id=2>
> The only logging programme listed on their web site is from
> http://www.ei5di.com.
> How easy is it to work China from the United States?   I remember working
> BV1US (in Taiwan) from Denver back in the 50's, with 500 watts AM, and a
> W8JK beam but haven't been a serious DXer since then.
> 72/73 de n8xx Hg
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Charly, HS0ZCW

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