[CQ-Contest] band plan definition - LSB vs USB

Tõnno Vähk tonno.vahk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 15:34:10 EDT 2012

What a nice and overwhelming response to my question and all is clear now.
Thank you guys.


I just did not know the term supressed carrier. Thus the definition clearly
stresses that no part of the signal may be over the band edge wherevere the
supressed carrier/dial setting is. That for both Region 1 and Region 2.


And Mike’s explanation why LSB is speficically brought out makes a lot of
sense too.


So no operation over 14347!








From: Michael Clarson [mailto:wv2zow at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 6:39 PM
To: Tom W8JI
Cc: Tõnno Vähk; CQ contest reflector
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] band plan definition - LSB vs USB


Tom: You are absolutely correct, and I was not suggesting its OK to operate
with emissions outside the phone band. I was just trying to address Tõnno's
question as to why the ITU R1 band plan specified dial freq for LSB
emissions on lower phone band limits and did not do so for upper band limits
(on 20 meters and up), which may include  modes other than USB. --Mike,

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Tom W8JI <w8ji at w8ji.com> wrote:

Just some comments. Regarding the LSB (and LSB was specifically mentioned)
limit, if some signal gets out below the phone band limit, it is still in a
ham band and does not interfere with other services.


While the FCC doesn't enforce things like they used to, you would get a
citation in a heartbeat if your sideband stuck down outside the phone area.
It is still illegal today.

The FCC does NOT and never has considered the "carrier" frequency as the
operating frequency on suppressed carrier. They never have allowed audible
modulation products to extend outside the authorized frequency range of a


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