[CQ-Contest] Bob Cox, K3EST, Retires as CQWW Contest Director

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Sep 6 14:47:37 EDT 2012

Hi Willy - I think you're over-analyzing Randy's message, though I 
acknowledge that I don't know the answers to "Why now?" and "Why this 
way?"  For the past 35 years, Bob has been pretty much the face and 
voice of CQWW, and very much the decision-maker.  So of course, it is 
"the end of an era," even if the new guy keeps on pretty much the same 
track.  It *is* puzzling that his departure was announced before a 
successor had been identified, but it may not be an easy job to fill.

Bob, himself, has been an agent of change in CQWW the last few years.  
The relatively recent decision to open all logs, for example, is 
diametrically opposite the position he took a decade ago when I 
suggested an agreement between CQ and the ARRL to grant DXCC credit for 
verified CQWW QSOs.  At that time, he told me that he would never 
approve the release of a single line from any CQWW log.  Fortunately, 
times have changed.

I do hope that the new CQWW management takes a more transparent approach 
to the administration of the contest.  I'm not suggesting that measures 
taken to reduce cheating should be applied in public, or even that 
positions taken by individual members of the Contest Committee on 
various issues should be made public.  I do feel that it would be 
helpful to credibility if the members of the Committee were publicly 
identified.  I think that the contesting community would be impressed by 
their experience and accomplishments, and that its decisions would gain 
weight simply by letting us know who was involved.

73, Pete N4ZR
The World Contest Station Database, at www.conteststations.com
The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000 and
arcluster.reversebeacon.net, port 7000

On 9/6/2012 11:25 AM, Vladimir Umanets wrote:
> The question is why he left so suddenly?
> 73s
> Braco
> It is one of the questions Braco. One other question I have about Bob's
> retirement is why not one single CQWW CC member says something about it?
> It looks more like a special forces operation rather than a normal change of
> directors of the biggest amateur radio contests in the world. Why? Is everything
> that bad in our hobby? Why Randy called it "the end of era"? What era Randy are
> you talking about? Does that mean the new director will implement totaly new
> policy and approaches? I like the way  CQWW has been developing into what it is now.
> I hope it will continue developing like before.
> As to me Bob has deserved a Big thank you from us all contesters to say the least.
> May be at some critical points Bob didn't act accordingly, but we all make mistakes,
> even the Kings. TNX Bob for all your efforts you've put into making CQWW what it is now!
>   73's & GL, Willy UA9BA
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