[CQ-Contest] Cheating as a moral issue

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 14 10:48:22 EDT 2012

I agree with Bill... with the additional thoughts that this is exactly what is killing contesting.Who wants to play with a BUNCH of cheaters? You are who you associate with.So.. guilty by association? Maybe.. or at least perceived that way. So.. how about just doing away with all publication of winner lists. NO MORE. Done. Compare scores on 3830 if you must, or want to but CQ would not publish a winners article. QST/NCJ would not publish a list of winners... let contesting go back to being what it is supposed to be. The fun of making qsos. I'd bet that the bands would actually be used once again for the purpose of exchanging information.Like... "How'd you do in the contest last week?" hmmmmm?.... what a concept.

--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy
 > From: bparry at rgv.rr.com
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 08:20:49 -0500
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Cheating as a moral issue
> Frankly I am really tired of this topic.  The idea that cheaters are hiding
> behind every tree is not something that I want to talk about.  This seems to
> be the favorite topic of a very small highly selected group that frequent
> this reflector. 
> If the contest sponsors (CQ for example) want to stop cheating, they should
> make the punishment so bad that no one would do it.  Like ban that person
> from contesting for life on all the CQ contests. Give them the death penalty
> or something.  A few years ago when we got into this mindset I decided to
> stop sending in my logs. I enter them into 3830 and I can see how I did.
> This will keep my logs from being involved in the witch-hunt that has become
> contesting. (With the exception of the one contest per year that we do a
> multi from my station).
> Bill W5VX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> Rick Kiessig
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 4:17 AM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Cheating as a moral issue
> My view is that cheating is primarily a moral issue, and that morality
> cannot be "legislated." You can't force someone to be moral. Rules won't
> make someone more moral. The moral must be chosen; you have to want to be
> moral.
> If a cheater "wins," their victory will be hollow, because, as with all
> immoral actions, they will ultimately find it to be unsatisfying, and even
> damaging, because they know what they've done, even if no one else does. In
> addition, when others do find out about their cheating (as they often do),
> that's likely to further diminish the value of the win.
> Only an honest competitor will truly enjoy the win for the long term.
> Rules should be enforced, but they should also be enforceable. Yes, some
> cheats will slip through, maybe even some "winners." So what? People who
> don't care about cheating will continue to do what they do regardless of how
> many rules are applied. The rest of us should get on with our lives and not
> let the few bad apples spoil this great sport.
> To reinforce this point, I would like to suggest a move in the opposite
> direction from Yuri's recent post: fewer rules all around, not more. Rules
> should be enforceable, which means they should be based on what's reported
> in logs and maybe some limited (reliable) secondary data. Trying to
> legislate things like power levels, assisted vs. not, use of a local
> Skimmer, and so on, is just a waste of time and effort.
> Fewer rules would also make it easier for those of us who are honest to be
> more confident that we haven't accidentally broken some rule (for example,
> if I left my PC in the other room connected to a cluster, but didn't use it
> during the contest, will I be considered by others to be assisted or not?).
> If you do have an honest win, why spoil it with some nagging doubt about
> whether you fully, absolutely complied with the rules?
> 73, Rick ZL2HAM
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