[CQ-Contest] CQWW CW 2011 WITHDRAWN lOGS. (Was Marathon Cheating)

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 18 01:43:38 EDT 2012

This situation has become a complete fiasco. 
We have been told that it was an error of omission that certain logs had been withdrawn and not mentioned in the detail of the contest results report.
Now we are told by 4O3A that he is still awaiting clarification so it would appear from his comments that it has not been with his agreement  that his log has been withdrawn at all.
For sure the Contest Committee must be shown to be consistent in following their own rules. It is totally unfair to Ranko and the other named ops to be left in limbo and subject to condemnation by silence, or, on the other hand , unfair to those named as receiving yellow cards to whom it will appear that the contest committee are operating with double standards.
We know there now has to be a change at the top but surely other committee members have discussed this issue and somebody should be nominated to make an official statement.
73  Brian 5B4AIZ./C4Z

--- On Mon, 17/9/12, 4O3A <4o3a at t-com.me> wrote:

From: 4O3A <4o3a at t-com.me>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Marathon Cheating - N2IC post: WOW
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Date: Monday, 17 September, 2012, 17:37

Hi Mladen and others,

It is also unclear to me what happened with my log and I have asked for clarification from CQWW CC and CQ Magazine.

I am ready to disclose all the details about my log and the information regarding communication with CQWW CC and to defend myself, as my operation and log is perfectly clean and under the rules, but I have been kindly asked to wait till the issue is sorted out. As I have been put into very unpleasant situation I hope to have the solution soon and all the info out in the public.



On 17.9.2012 10:27, Mladen Bogdanov wrote:
> Doug,
> Why don't you tell us what actually happened with 4O3A,CR6K,ER4A....in CQWWCW '11 results?
> I'm personaly not interested of any 'marathon cheating',and perhaps ma

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