[CQ-Contest] Marathon Cheating - N2IC post: WOW

4O3A 4o3a at t-com.me
Mon Sep 17 10:37:04 EDT 2012

Hi Mladen and others,

It is also unclear to me what happened with my log and I have asked for 
clarification from CQWW CC and CQ Magazine.

I am ready to disclose all the details about my log and the information 
regarding communication with CQWW CC and to defend myself, as my 
operation and log is perfectly clean and under the rules, but I have 
been kindly asked to wait till the issue is sorted out. As I have been 
put into very unpleasant situation I hope to have the solution soon and 
all the info out in the public.



On 17.9.2012 10:27, Mladen Bogdanov wrote:
> Doug,
> Why don't you tell us what actually happened with 4O3A,CR6K,ER4A....in CQWWCW '11 results?
> I'm personaly not interested of any 'marathon cheating',and perhaps majority on the list!?
> We don't need examples anymore!
> This conspiracy of silence wouldn't help...on the contrary!
> 73,Mladen YT6W

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